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2010-2011 Schedule


Staff member
The schedule is out.

Back in the ESPN Bracket Buster and again, the weird end of season Seattle game. :-\

Will that Oregon game be one of the last games at the pit? I think I heard that they're playing their non-conference there next season...

It says in the article that the Viks will be playing in Mathew Night Arena. The Pit has hosted it's last Ducks basketball game as far as I know.
Grant H said:
It says in the article that the Viks will be playing in Mathew Night Arena. The Pit has hosted it's last Ducks basketball game as far as I know.

The last game is supposed to be in December. I've heard that the first game in the new arena is supposed to be the first conference game of the 2010-2011 season.


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