I'm amused by those who think it's funny a player had a schedule before it was released to the public. Is it strange that a player would have a "draft" schedule before you? The Sports Information Office can not release a schedule to the public before every negotiated "i" is dotted and "t" is crossed, legally. That means the schedule is released only when the head coach says it's okay to do so. Basketball schedules are put together by basketball coaches, not by the AD the way football schedules are done. Some schools have their schedules finalized before others do, which is why ISU may show up on an opponents schedule before ours is released. So I would suggest that before you keep criticizing a massively understaffed media relations office, which receives far less funding than it needs, try looking for some positives. Now, having said that, I still love ISU fans. FYI, the media relations folks never read this board, so it does no good to complain here other than allow you to vent. If you really want things to get better, you need to communicate with them directly, and not anonymously. Offer positive, helpful solutions. A nice, substantial donation to media relations wouldn't hurt.