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2016-2017 Schedule


Staff member
Any idea of how the 2016-1017 schedule is shaping up?

So far I only show these as solid:

UNC @ PSU - 12.31.2016
UM @ PSU - 01.19.2017
PSU @ UM - 02.18.2017
PSU @ UNC - 03.02.2017

UNC has quite the non-conference schedule going on: Butler, Arizona, Oklahoma...
martymoose said:
Any idea of how the 2016-1017 schedule is shaping up?

So far I only show these as solid:

UNC @ PSU - 12.31.2016
UM @ PSU - 01.19.2017
PSU @ UM - 02.18.2017
PSU @ UNC - 03.02.2017

UNC has quite the non-conference schedule going on: Butler, Arizona, Oklahoma...

2/9 Idaho State
2/11 Weber State

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