Saturday's EWU game has been rescheduled for Monday, Jan. 31st.
The BSC is going to be forced to make a choice on what will happen when games can not be rescheduled. IMHO, those games need to be a loss by forfiet for the team unable to play. Otherwise, what is to stop a team from getting to where they are a comfortable seed in the tournament and then just stop playing. For example, let's say that we win our next 4 or 5 games, establish a good lead on the rest of the field, and then just choose not to play the rest of the season due to Chovid-19 protocol. As it stands now, you just need to be exposed to be in the protocol. It all seems to be based on the word of the coaches as well. I believe that all of these rescheduled games could have been played, but for the coaches saying that their entire teams needed to be quarantined.
Also, who in the BSC offices is charged with insuring that none of these teams are practicing or having team meetings? Is it all just done on trust? Do we really trust a coach to do the right thing even if it harms his chances of winning?
The BSC seems to be quite inadequate in handling this situation. It all remains to be seen, but right now it's a shizz show coming out of the BSC. :wall:
If the rescheduled game with EWU doesn't happen, I believe they shoud have to pay WSU back for the lost revenue.