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Any Compensation??


Active member
The CBI had to of signed a contract saying we were to have a home game.. so they just cant break a contract. Thats grounds for a law suit unless somethin was given to us to move to oregon (x amount of dollars) that we agreed to. Everyone has to sign a contract and we get shafted? We were one of the first teams to join and montana last second team gets a home game?.. Hopefully the athletic Dept releases a statement saying what happened..
We got "big timed" or "bumped" as Rahe put it (I could be more vulgar, but I won't go there).
It all comes down to money - if Weber could guarantee money and ticket sales, then we would be hosting, but my guess is that Oregon offered more $ and thus got the home game.

But, if Weber gets to the finals of this tournament, Weber will have at least one more home game.
Word on the egriz website is that if Weber and Montana advance, MT can not host due to a conflict for the facility (they have a science fair running and can not clear the arena in time), so MT knew that they would play 2nd round on the road.

Tournament organizers ( the Gazelle Group in this case) likely have contracts that allow them to make these kind of changes without impact to the organizer. and as Waldo said, it likely came down to how big the gate guarantee was. Reading on the Oregon site, tickets are $23 and $18 based on location, but students are free if they go online and print tix. My guess is their athletic dept. has a lot more funds that can be applied as they wish.

So Cats, lets go up and surprise them, and host on Monday against MT/Dusquesne

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