I know its July 10th, and that there is still over two months till Weber's first home game, but no matter I think that the attendance and fan support issues need to be addressed immediately. I for one want to see our admirable (not likely) athletic department get off their duffs and start building a stronger fan base. Our teams should be in the commuity volunteering, being seen at public events, getting on TV (does our Athletic Dept. know what good Pulic Relations/sports information is???), getting into the news (yes we get the standard, but what about the tribune and deseret news [I've heard that the trib wont work with Weber because they can't stand working with someone in our dept. no its not Jerry, they like him]), doing charity events, being more involved in university events and groups, etc etc etc. Also, I know that we are experience economic troubles currently, but wouldn't we all, especially our athletes, like to see our stadiums full?? CUT THE TICKET PRICES...till our fan support has been solidified (blame the cut on the recession). Hell last year Weber had the best football and basketball teams in the conference and our fan support was absolutely pathetic. For some reason our Athletic dept. thinks that posters and promotions are all you have to do to get fans to the games. They wasted thousands of dollars on some indepent analyst group's solutions, which are common knowledge, they could have paid me, CatCat, and AJwildcat half as much and three times as much would have been put forth. The problem is that most, not all, of the departments employees are LAZY and DESENSATIZED. They are totally complacent and comfortable in their jobs. NOt only are they lazy (some are extremely hard workers) but they have quit trying to do new things.
EXAMPLE: 1994... the football team was about to be cut. What happened??? The remaining football players and coaches went into the community... you could see them everywhere. They were in the malls, schools, municipal/county events, they were even visiting retirement homes. They didn't care where the support came from just that they would get it. That season the team averaged 15K...
EXAMPLE: 1994... the football team was about to be cut. What happened??? The remaining football players and coaches went into the community... you could see them everywhere. They were in the malls, schools, municipal/county events, they were even visiting retirement homes. They didn't care where the support came from just that they would get it. That season the team averaged 15K...