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Biased Journalism by Jay Heater

I think of 2 things here.....1)Have it in writing before you sign it. 2)If Zam or anyone ahead of him told this guy he would get what he is wanting then make it good if you said it! If it was said then make it right. Your word is your bond.

And for Mr. Heater, there are always (2) sides to every story. Give us some of the other sometimes, will ya?
Heater is a douche-bag, plain and simple. Zamberlin already had one of his assistant cronies come on here a few weeks ago talking about this in an attempt to smear ISU. It was easy enough to figure out who it was--and when I posted who it was, his tone changed quickly. He quickly erased his posts and promised never to return.

Now, I can't really say what happened here and if it is accurate or not because I don't have a clue. What I do know is that Heater is pathetic in my book. He is so quick to give the ISU administration the shaft, but he hasn't talked anything about APR, retention and the pathetic issues that spelled the end of this amateur regime.

Heater needs to spend more time researching his stories and less time sipping from Zamberlin's straw.
I tend to think Heater doesn't hit the stories very hard. He takes more of a superficial approach to covering the sports section. However, look at the Journal, you'll see Heater does stories in several sections. They seem to be understaffed in a major way. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be doing the things it takes to survive in a very tough business. They aren't driving people to the Journal to increase revenue, especially online. Heater's blog hasn't been updated in months and Dan Angell is argumentative in his blog.

About the bias.... yeah, he's pining real bad for Z right now.
What's biased about it. He ask Tingey for comment and Tingey wouldn't respond according to the article.

Tingey, give the guy his money!
Do you know anything about Human Resouce Management. In a case like this Tingey cannot reply. And Jay knew that before he asked any questions. That is why it is a bias story. Try and keep you bias against Tingey out of your decision making process.
My opinion, I like Dan's blog because he shares his opinions and debates things. I may not always agree with him, but I like the fact that he interacts with fans. Plus, it is a blog and it does not show up printed in newspapers all over the area. In the written edition of the ISJ, Dan gives credit where credit is do and can be critical of ISU basketball as well. Personally, I like the interaction and the debate.

Heater on the other hand really believes that Zamberlin was a victim at Idaho State. He really buys into the propaganda that Zamberlin fed him. I would be more patient with Heater if he would investigate both sides of the story and acknowledge that recruiting, retention and APR were major failings during Zamberlin's tenure. Heater stopped blogging and if he blogged some of this stuff and had the nuts to face his critics I would feel a bit better about what he is doing.

I just don't see a POTENTIAL LAWSUIT as being newsworthy. Go ahead and throw it out when and if a suit is filed.
I believe they call that "Yellow Dog Journalism." It is a story because he wants it to be. He is trying to ride out the "ISU athletic dept. is evil" wave and he thinks that's what his readers want. He thinks he has something, but how thick would the paper be if every potential lawsuit made the paper? I guess he really didn't have to do much work when somebody from the ex-coaching staff faxes the story over to the ISJ.
John Zamberlin does have some valid points that he's discussed with Jay Heater, such as a lack of chartered flights to various destinations, no catered lunches for the coaches, and the low salaries of most of the assistants. But then again, when Larry Lewis and Brian McNeely had winning teams, they were able to overcome these obstacles and still recruit good players and win some games. Whereas Coach Z never did take the blame for his failures and instead has blamed the athletic dept. for what they haven't given him. I don't care if he does read this -- long ago Frank told him to quit reading the ISU message board and he never did listen to him. And another thing, Heater said that ISU has had a history of having FB coaches with losing records. But the thing he failed to mention was that McNeely and Lewis both took their lumps and had losing records while they were turning the program around, and eventually had some winning teams. And it's giong to take time for any coach to rebuild and turn around a program, even for Coach Kramer -- they can't just do it overnight.

In any event, I know that last year Coach Z's staff were flying recruits into Salt Lake and not directly into Pocatello. And this is something that really needs to be remedied, because it would greatly help recruiting at a cost of about $15,000 or so. I know that Idaho Falls has direct flights to Denver and to Mesa, AZ, and this is advantageous for recruiting as it's only about a 45 minute drive from IF to Poky. Whereas recruits from the Seattle and Portland areas used to fly into Boise and from there take a Horizon flight to IF. A few months ago Horizon had discontinued this service, but there's been talk about starting it back up again.

Coach Z does have a valid point about assistant coach salaries, because most of them only make about $22,000 per year. You can't support a family on this amount, and it would be hard for a single guy to make it, unless they had a few roommates. And this is something that Coach Kramer's assistants are going to have to deal with, unless ISU finds a way to pay these assistants a little more money. And all of the coaches work very, very hard throughout the year. And it's because of our lack of being able to pay these coaches a reasonable salary is the reason why Coach Kramer has hired very young assistants, with many of them having graduate assistant jobs last season. If I was super rich, then this is an area that I'd certainly be willing to help out with.

Having catered lunches for the coaches would eventually be a nice thing to have, because I'm sure that the staff is tired of bringing baloney sandwiches or leftover burritos to work every day, but perhaps we can provide that eventually when we can get more funding for FB. And the same holds true for chartered flights, as they're certainly a luxury, but then again you can't strictly blame a loss on the fact that you took a commercial airliner to where you needed to go instead of a chartered flight.

This is something that's not related to ISU athletics, but did you notice that over the weekend Idaho only had 8,011 fans for a FB game at the Kibbie Dome. And yet they're persistently determined to continue to compete at the 1-A level -- with the WAC completely falling apart and all!!
Larry Lewis teams NEVER flew commercial. They chartered everything. I don't know why things for Zamberlin. I hope things improve for Kramer. I agree that ISU needs to take advantage of the flights into Idaho Falls. Allegiant also offers nonstop flights to southern California (Long Beach) from Idaho Falls.
Actually the commercial airlines deal was put in place by Paul as part of the 14 or 15 points to help reduce the budget deficit. When Jeff took over he continued it as it was one of the things that made a decidedly big different in helping climb out of the hole...that and actually getting Cal Poly to pay us to go there after the contract was already signed.

Almost all Journalism is biased. Jay did call the AD and got no comment, which I understand.

I don't see the big problem here. The Atheletic Department probably needs to establish a more solid relationship with the Journal. Have a good, solid, trusting relationship with the media always makes life better.
No dobut, for many, the article will be news worthy. In fact, controversy at ISU sells newspapers for the Journal just like Bronco football sells newspapers for the Statesman. However, that isn't the real issue. Instead, we need to look at Heater's body of work with respect to Zamberlin. In this case, it has been and should be called into question.
As far as objectivity in journalism goes, I think its non-existant. By nature we are all subjective beings and try as we might, it is very difficult to get completely away from that natural reaction to things. I don't know what his agenda may be or if his intentions are pure. But after seeing the way things have been at ISU over the last few years, I think there are a lot more issues that we aren't hearing about. Maybe he's afraid to take on some of the APR and retention issues because there wouldn't be enough room on the sports page for all of that.
I really enjoy Heater's writing style and the coverage he gave the FB program generally, but like the rest of you I found his treatment of Z's departure very one-sided.
qb said:
Almost all Journalism is biased. Jay did call the AD and got no comment, which I understand.

I don't see the big problem here. The Atheletic Department probably needs to establish a more solid relationship with the Journal. Have a good, solid, trusting relationship with the media always makes life better.

Don't try telling that to Dan Angell, who will deny any bias in his writing and commentary :roll:.

Journalism should be biased because no human can ever be really neutral, no matter how "professional" (I hate how overused that disgusting word is) people try to be.
More on this story from the editor.
They need to put this thing to bed.

Sounds to me like Clark got a Zamberlin recruiting job. If you read carefully, Clark never talked to the ISU administration all communication with the ISU hierarchy went through Zamberlin.

Last year on the recruiting trail, I have been told by kids that the staff was using new turf as a recruiting tool. In fact, they used it the last two seasons. They told kids that ISU would have new field turf in place for the 2009 and then the 2010 season. This was a Zamberlin tactic.

So, I wouldn't be surprised if Zamberlin over promised and under delivered. History indicates it would not have been the fist time.

Just a Cub theory--but what do I know?
Cub, you would be correct. I have heard over the past two years of the new turf talk from players. Never happened.

And Jay is wisely banking on the fact that the public never has the balls or the will to actually check their facts. They will take everything on its word and despite blustering, will never actually hold anyone accountable.

The inside info is right but nobody will listen. It's so much easier to print articles about how bad ISU's administration is rather than actually getting to the root of the problem.

The concept of the never-ending war has been applied to journalism and making money. As long as you can find any issue and put a negative spin on it, you can always be assured of articles and cash flow. And if you're helping out a friend, hey! Better all around!

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