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Big Sky Power Rankings 2018


Active member
‪BIG SKY POWER RANKINGS: First week of October 2018
I like not seeing Eastern as #1, as it gives us room to improve. Frankly, if I was rating the teams, I'd have UC Davis at the top, followed by Weber State, and then probably Montana. I'm discluding Eastern from that... Not fair to rank your own team.
!0/13 vs Weber will determine "power rankings". Colter writes great stuff and enjoy reading everything he puts out. Lotta good stats, comparisons and insight. When looking at teams I often look at what they have in common. Here's something both EWU and Weber have in common. They both played Cal Poly and both allowed Cal Poly to score 17...a push. Colter, here's one difference in that EWU scored 71 and Weber scored 24 which should say something in "power rankings".
Obzerver said:
!0/13 vs Weber will determine "power rankings". Colter writes great stuff and enjoy reading everything he puts out. Lotta good stats, comparisons and insight. When looking at teams I often look at what they have in common. Here's something both EWU and Weber have in common. They both played Cal Poly and both allowed Cal Poly to score 17...a push. Colter, here's one difference in that EWU scored 71 and Weber scored 24 which should say something in "power rankings".

Now, now, don't exaggerate. Eastern only scored 70.

LDopaPDX said:
Obzerver said:
!0/13 vs Weber will determine "power rankings". Colter writes great stuff and enjoy reading everything he puts out. Lotta good stats, comparisons and insight. When looking at teams I often look at what they have in common. Here's something both EWU and Weber have in common. They both played Cal Poly and both allowed Cal Poly to score 17...a push. Colter, here's one difference in that EWU scored 71 and Weber scored 24 which should say something in "power rankings".

Now, now, don't exaggerate. Eastern only scored 70.


Nice catch Dopa...

Weber does have us at home and fortunately we have UC Davis at home.
Good chance the Conf Champ/CoChamp will be unbeaten in BSC play. Playoffs start now. What a dumb league alignment...
BIG SKY ROUNDUP: EWU, Weber State keep pace, Idaho State still alive
BIG SKY POWER RANKINGS: First week of November 2018
BIG SKY ROUNDUP: League leaders all win, Idaho State stays alive as playoff race heats up