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Big Sky Preview


Active member
Hi all,

I come around here every so often, but in case you don't know, I write a blog on the Big Sky. Every year, I like to go long-winded with my preview, in this case totaling 13K words. If you are interested in reading (probably in parts!), check out the link here -

http://www.bigskybball.com/2014/11/the-most-comprehensive-big-sky-preview.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Thanks! Let me know what you think, or if you have any thoughts or questions....
Well done. :-)

Lot of love for Sac State.

The thought of them finishing second in the Big Sky seems very strange given how awful they've been over the years. Perhaps they've turned the corner finally, plus having all five starters back sure helps.

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