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BYU versus Greece


Active member
BYU got pummeled by the Greek national team and looked absolutely terrible. Looks like life after Jimmer is going to be a "rough" transition as courtesly as I can be. :shocking: Who's up for winning in the Marriott Center this upcoming season. :thumb:
talhadfoursteals said:
Is there a box score anywhere? I'm kinda interested in the personnel that Rose took with him to Greece.

http://byucougars.com/m-basketball/rogers-scores-20-loss-greece-national-team" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
bigskychamps07 said:
BYU got pummeled by the Greek national team and looked absolutely terrible. Looks like life after Jimmer is going to be a "rough" transition as courtesly as I can be. :shocking: Who's up for winning in the Marriott Center this upcoming season. :thumb:

they were also playing a team of professionals that were in the last olympics and are 7th ranked. but i thought they were 5th ranked.

usa, spain, lithuania, turkey then greece, arg.

lithuania is the #1 basketball country in the world though, just ask arturas! a country of only 3 million people and they not only qualify each olympics they can medal most of the time. unbelievable!

imagine the state of utah fielding an olympic team? looooooool!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol of course the Greek national team pummeled BYU. They would destroy any college team. I watched them handily beat the Turkey national team which features 5 NBA players.
cheesus said:
Lol of course the Greek national team pummeled BYU. They would destroy any college team. I watched them handily beat the Turkey national team which features 5 NBA players.

Yeah, not really surprising nor does it really say too much about BYU that they got pummeled by Greece... those professional teams are pretty darn good!
Ah come on guys, BYU calls us out when we get beat by FBS teams in football, so let's make fun of them when they play a "big" guy.
bigskychamps07 said:
Ah come on guys, BYU calls us out when we get beat by FBS teams in football, so let's make fun of them when they play a "big" guy.

I laugh every time YBU, Spewtah and Utard State lose.

Its who I am :-D

HAHA YBU lost :rofl:

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