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Can I express my opinion Mr. Bengal Cub?


New member
Dear Mr. Bengal Cub, I have watched your blog here for a time period of two years. I just signed up this evening. I am an Alum of ISU as far as my undergraduate degree, I happen to follow Georgetown University a little closer since I recieved my Law degree there. I am writing because I have followed your posts for sometime and I am very confused on your stance on your little blog. I was always under the impression that blogs or chat rooms were for the purpose of people to vent there frustrations, support the school, rip the coach, support the coach and just debate topics?

I read that you said you would not be posting anymore? Then why are you? Sometimes in life we all won't agree with what is said and it won't be positive all the time. If you really want your chat room to be a chat room then let all opinions be expressed. I do hope for the purpose of your chat room that you are not an employee of the university, this bias is not acceptable to push the opinions on others or keep the propaganda positive.

Please feel free to email me to debate this topic or we can on your chat room.

Terry Stephens
i gotta reply again here. Mr. Stephens (pronounced as a "v"????), take your law degree and cheer on the Hoyas! your first post is to rip one of the moderators? what a TOOL you are. IF you had half a clue about the board AND BENGAL CUB (not club, duh), you would know that most on here are lifers and EARNED the right to say and do what they choose. some new clown that throws out there in his first post about how Important you are because of your lawyer statis, should check himself before actually posting. get real...get a clue...AND GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT COUNSELOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back by popular demand Mr. Stephens.

Some love me, some hate me and others love to hate me. Welcome aboard and I am glad to twist your sisters.

I love to debate--lets do it.
Easy Dave84, you need to relax little man. Your pretty agressive when your posting on the chat room. In the Marine Corps the old saying is: "the little dogs that bark a lot have no bite." It's not personal towards your friend Mr. Bengal Cub, just expressing an opinion.
when i lived in Jacksonville, NC the marines told me that those who come at you with a pompous first post are probably those who couldn't make it in the military. the same was said by my buds in Corpus Christi, TX as well as those in Millington , TN. Spew all the military B.S. you want, but once again, your first post shows your "agenda". BTW...........i'm quite calm right now. if you had been "following" this board as you state, you would know that!
Sure it isn't personal Mr. Stephens. No need to harbor your anger any longer--just say whatever you need to say.

Am I on Candid Camera?
Well...I came over here looking to discuss college football and I had to do a double take as all the name calling and keyboard posturing led me to believe that I'd logged into egriz.com instead.
Apparently, Mr. Stephens thinks we are being way too soft... well, I'll try to rectify that.

Point differential for conference games only (2006-2009).

2006: -8
2007: -9.1
2008: -17.4
2009: -26.5

What this tells me... besides the obvious (Z's doing worse now than when he arrived), this is a breakdown in recruiting, not coaching.
biobengal said:
Apparently, Mr. Stephens thinks we are being way too soft... well, I'll try to rectify that.

Point differential for conference games only (2006-2009).

2006: -8
2007: -9.1
2008: -17.4
2009: -26.5

What this tells me... besides the obvious (Z's doing worse now than when he arrived), this is a breakdown in recruiting, not coaching.

i would say the breakdown is with both recruiting and coaching. recruiting is an aspect of the coaches ability. this also tells me that recruits who were brought in under a healthy budget (lew's budget), as well as new recruits, are getting a lower quality of coaching.

in 2006 point differential was 5.1 making the transition from lewis to the zamberlin that much more pronounced.
terrystephens37 said:
Dear Mr. Bengal Cub, I have watched your blog here for a time period of two years. I just signed up this evening. I am an Alum of ISU as far as my undergraduate degree, I happen to follow Georgetown University a little closer since I recieved my Law degree there. I am writing because I have followed your posts for sometime and I am very confused on your stance on your little blog. I was always under the impression that blogs or chat rooms were for the purpose of people to vent there frustrations, support the school, rip the coach, support the coach and just debate topics?

I read that you said you would not be posting anymore? Then why are you? Sometimes in life we all won't agree with what is said and it won't be positive all the time. If you really want your chat room to be a chat room then let all opinions be expressed. I do hope for the purpose of your chat room that you are not an employee of the university, this bias is not acceptable to push the opinions on others or keep the propaganda positive.

Please feel free to email me to debate this topic or we can on your chat room.

Terry Stephens

Mr. BengalCub....I think you made it perfectly clear why you decided to come back and continue posting after your initial decision to go away...and you did so on this board. After you defined your reasons quite clearly, I find this question to be somewhat superfluous.

I'm just sayin.... ;)
tigersmilk said:
biobengal said:
Apparently, Mr. Stephens thinks we are being way too soft... well, I'll try to rectify that.

Point differential for conference games only (2006-2009).

2006: -8
2007: -9.1
2008: -17.4
2009: -26.5

What this tells me... besides the obvious (Z's doing worse now than when he arrived), this is a breakdown in recruiting, not coaching.

i would say the breakdown is with both recruiting and coaching. recruiting is an aspect of the coaches ability. this also tells me that recruits who were brought in under a healthy budget (lew's budget), as well as new recruits, are getting a lower quality of coaching.

in 2006 point differential was 5.1 making the transition from lewis to the zamberlin that much more pronounced.

Totally agree. All you have to do is look at the play-calling. Game-day coaching has room for improvement, to say the least.
Not to comment on coaching, that is what it is. Regarding recruiting, Z's budget was cut right after he was hired. He never has had Lew's budget. Moreover, Lew's budget was cut by way of dramaticly increased costs for travel, medical and tuition. Lew's defense was awful in his last years here. I am not agruing the present defense is as good as Lew's. I'm just saying Lew told me he was going to have to outscore people.

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