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Chuck and Che


Staff member
The Viks are going to miss these two big-time next year. Odum can sometimes be too selfish for my liking, but the man is not afraid to take it to the hoop or shoot it down the stretch. The Northern Colorado game is a perfect example of how good these two are. There really isn't a good reason why PSU won that game, except for the "will to win" by Chuck and Che. Tapscott is one of my favorite all-time Vikings and just wished he could have come to Portland State right out of high school. What an all-around great player he is!

Odum, Tapscott Named First Team All-Big Sky Conference

http://www.goviks.com/news/2012/3/1/MBB_0301120816.aspx" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
You hit the nail on the head. I think we might (and this is a big "what-if) be able to somewhat replace Tapscott, but no way we can replace Odum so easily.
They are certainly a great duo to watch and have been a lot of fun to follow this year! Both outstanding players.

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