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Conference Rankings

Attached are my in depth conference rankings and analysis for all 11 Big Sky teams. The previews include key players and league stats as well as interpretation of each team's season thus far. Worst case scenario, it's a solid primer for any team you guys will see. I hope you like the work. If you think I'm a moron, please, in great detail, let me know how via comments.

As far as PSU is concerned---you're a lot like my Vandals. One win, but without the luxury of having played the bottom of the conference. On the Tubs at the Club podcast I said the PSU game was a must win for Idaho if they're going to salvage their season. I feel the same way for the Vikings---EWU and Idaho are winnable games for you guys, and if you're going to move to the middle of the conference, it's now or never.

I'll go into more detail on Idaho players on Saturday.

Viks get their win over the Dam Cup rivals (EWU). Idaho loses their battle in the basement (Sac St). Woods has a new haircut and Orme played lights out. I like our chances on Saturday.

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