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Congrats and good luck

No. RPI is one of many factors that determine placement, and the given RPI sytem isn't necessarily the one they go with. As to teams PSU should be above, you'd hope San Diego, but the WCC has a higher conference RPI. Otherwise MSM and Alabama State. Everybody else is a wild card.
Congrats, PSU fans. You have earned it fair and square. The next few years of basketball are looking pretty much like a root canal for everyone else in the conference. /users/31/07/37/smiles/784240.gif
I hope you're right, but you never know. An injury here or there, academic problems, etc. It does look good for the forseeable future on paper, but I'm sure the rest of the Big Sky will be gunning for us. I wouldn't want it any other way. Go Viks!

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