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Congrats and good luck ...


New member
Hello Viking fans ...

You've come a long way from not having a program just a decade ago, to winning your conference and earning an NCAA tournament berth!!

Consider that Kansas has been playing basketball for 110 years, and has had only eight coaches during that time, one of which was the very inventor of the game: Dr. James Naismith!

It wasn't that you couldn't compete with Kansas ... this team is on a mission.

After the early exits to Bucknell and Bradley, they were going to be focused and serious. You could see it in their demeanor following our conference title game.

Hopefully your players and coaches will learn from this experience.

Portland State has had the exposure, and now that your fans have had a taste of March Madness ... support for your program will continue to grow!!

Thanks for those Vikings that came to KUSports, and for any students ... good luck during the rest of the semester!

Kansas 1993-2000
I had a chance to talk to Kyle Coston after the game. Really nice guy. He answered a few questions I had about the game. Again, really nice guy. Hope to see you next year in the tourney!
Hey, Jayhawkers! Thanks for the kind words. There's a chance we'll see you again next year - I hope, not in the first round. I'll be following the Jayhawks today and onwards - expect them to make the Final Four, up against one or two from the Pac-10.
So I'll hijack this thread...

Let's talk about Coston.

Who's pumped about the next two years for him? Frosh year was up and down. This year started out slow, but grew into something great. He picked up the best quality that any player can this year. Confidence.
The Jayhawks beat UNLV by 19 points today, pretty close to what they beat us by. They move on against Sienna. Washington State beat Notre Dame by 20, UCLA and Stanford edged by - USC didn't. Hope we play a few Pac-10 schools next year.

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