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Contract Extension was the right thing to do.


Active member
Interesting read...

Sometimes, there are more important things in life than wins and losses. Idaho State Athletic Director Jeff Tingey acknowledged that on Thursday, in announcing that he is extending the contract of Bengal Football Coach John Zamberlin (right) for two more seasons.

I really enjoy working with John and his staff because it is obvious to me they care about their players and each other. More than that, they are genuinely interested in, and kind to all the people around the program -- the fans, the athletic department staff -- even low-lifes like the radio announcers.

More importantly, Zamberlin and his staff have taken on the roles of "fundraisers" for an athletic department that was nearly a million dollars in the red just two years ago. Without complaint, they have played the toughest schedule any ISU football coach has ever had to absorb. The money from games against Oregon State, Arizona State, Oklahoma and Boise State has gone to help all of the athletic department, not just the football program. In fact, Coach Z said on our radio show on Monday, he's actually seen his recruiting budget cut during these difficult times.

Having made those kinds of sacrifices for the program, it would be nearly impossible for Tingey to look Zamberlin in the eye and say, "Well, thanks for bailing us out. And by the way, you're fired."

Cub, thanks for the post. Coach Z is our coach for the next 2+ years, so it's time to pull together. The *post* fills-in some of the void that is hard for most people to see--even the most optimistic of us. Being a coach is the most visible of jobs--much like taking a public bath where all the warts and blemishes are clearly evident. Not many of us are capable of or even willing to do such a job. All I can do, as a fan of over 40 years, is to look forward to the next game. I will always do that. I keep thinking of our student athletes and I will continue to do what I can to help raise funds each year for scholarships to ISU. I like a program that emphasizes the *student athlete* as opposed to the *athletic student*. We can be proud of our young men and women in the sports program at ISU. I applaud all the coaches who work with the student athletes, helping them to succeed in the classroom as well as on the field of play. I plan to be at the Dome this afternoon. I look forward to seeing everyone there. GO BENGALS!
Coach Z is expected to win and he knows that. It is really up to the players to perform during the games and this year the ISU players are not performing as well as the opposing players. Bottom line, it is a team effort win or lose...
I would like to see you be more positive after a game like this. Seriously, I have been negative at times and I understand that you are a bit upset about how things went today. What this team needs in more positive, because being positive is contagious.

For instance, I listened to the game today on BigSkyTV and I heard quite a bit of negative. I heard players names being called out for bad snaps, missed tackles and dropped passes. These kids know that they are making mistakes, why continue to point it out?

My point is this, it is easy to come on here or be on the radio and be critical about how things are going. If I post something negative on here--it isn't like I am saying it to a player or coaches face. I just think that goes for everyone. If a player is not performing, make an appointment with the player and discuss these kinds of things in private. Think about it, recruits, players and parents of players listen to these broadcast and read the message boards. Winning tradition takes everyone, you, me and everyone else. Just think about what I am saying and lets work together to make a difference. I am not trying to be critical of any of you, but sometimes we all need a kick in the butt.

Seriously, I love everyone that is on here and like I said, I have been negative too. However, Coach Z just got an extension. ISU has a new locker room a new scoreboard and a number of young talented kids that are getting their first taste of collegiate action. Mistakes are going to be made as the foundation of this program is built the right way. I have heard that a new practice field and a new turf are in the works and that these things may be realized in the next few short years.

Look, I was skeptical about this extension and even a bit disappointed by it. However, I opened the paper this morning and saw that these kids went to an elementary school and played with the kids. This has happened a number of times and it is not realized. Heck, when I was growing up, I don't remember players coming to my school. My point is that the players and the staff are working hard in the community and good things are happening. The wins will come.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. We all need to do our part.
I think it was the right thing to do to give Coach Z a two year extension onto his contract regardless of his win / loss record at ISU. It takes at least 3-5 years to rebuild a program by way of obtaining great recruits. Right now, the recruiting has been pretty good for the last couple of years. Regardless, the players have to perform in the games to win and the coaches have to put the players in the right positions to win games.
I hear that Zamberlin may be getting some kids from the east coast. Maybe those Liberty boys can play, immediately.

ATH Wayne Fleming Bealeton, Virginia Liberty HS 6'1" 180 4.5
DE John Washington Bealeton, Virginia Liberty HS 6'2" 240 4.9
This is a joke of an extension.....4 wins in 3 years and we don't see a win on the horizon. I have heard the arguments as to why they would give this extention but it still doesn't add up. It is not even rewarding sub-par performance it is rewarding lack of performance.

This is sad...(go ahead and beat me up for saying it, it might be the only chance the bengals get to beat someone up this year)
I disagree Mr. bengalcub, no one expects the football team to beat the Division 1 programs, but I do think it is fair to beat the other 1aa programs in your conference. Mr. Zamberlin has had 3 years to win, and it seems very interesting to see that his first year was his best when he had many of the former coaches players. It also is resonable to expect some improvement each season.
Well being that you have followed this blog for years, you can surely understand that I am very creative in my sarcasm.

I think Georgetown has a degree in Sarcasm. I have an honorary degree and I would be glad to teach you free of charge.
Right now, the recruiting has been pretty good for the last couple of years.

Up for the challange you keep mentioning two good recruiting classes. No one is questioning that the last class was pretty good, but how do you call a recruiting class that only has 11 of 26 still on the team as a good class. Kyle Maguire I hear is on a mission, but left the team in the middle of the season. That's a red flag to me, I question his coming back. The Whimpey's couldn't of been happy about the way their redshirts were burned, again questioning their coming back. That leaves us with Bair and Williams coming back from missions right now. If all the kids on Missions come back we will have 8 total from this second class on the team in two years, best case scenario. That is not a good recruiting class. While not everyone is going to be a star, you still need depth. Recruiting like this is why we have depth issues now. Imagine the impact from this class and the first class in two years when those kids are Juniors and Seniors. You can keep chanting your mantra, but that is not going to win any games. We are going to need play makers who are ready to play now out of the next class. The only way this happens is if we go the JC route which can hurt you long term as future teams will be young until you can rebalance the classes. When you recruit you are recruiting for two years in the future. You sign JC's for immediate needs, not freshmen.

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