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Critical Mass?


Active member
I have exchanged messages with multiple student athletes in the last 48 hours. I have wondered--"How is the locker room," meaning the mental status of the team. According to many, it's been a rough for the team to get ready for games. The homecoming loss to NAU hit the team pretty hard, and guys in the program had the "Here we go again" mentality afterwards. The common opinion--that hangover carried over into the PSU game.

Based on what I am being told, the feeling that "football is not fun anymore" is reaching critical mass on the team (if it hasn't reached it already). The attitude is like "Damn, now I have to go to practice" as opposed to wanting to go because it is enjoyable. I am also hearing that a number of kids are actually counting down the days until the season is over. I know of three more players that are leaving the program at semester. Two on the defense and one on the offense.

By the way--these are unconfirmed sources and I have not been in contact with anyone in the athletic department to get their side of the story.
isusuperfan said:
Always trust the sources closest to the issue: the players themselves.

I hear you Ross--it is really heart-wrenching, especially for the SR's that have given everything to the program over an extended period.
It's disappointing that some of the football players feel this way. Then again, it shouldn't, in my opinion, be that much of a surprise considering the performance of the team the past few years, including the 2010 campaign.

I hope the team, individually and collectively, can come up with something, find a way, make a way, or whatever it takes to make the most of the remaining games. For the seniors, it's going to be their last six weeks of playing football, something they've probably done since they were in Pop Warner. No reason to wait until the last home game for them and their teammates to leave it all on the playing, and as one of my coaches told me, "Play every down as if its your last one."

My message to the team:
- Play for personal pride and accountability.
- Give your best effort, and trust that your teammates are doing the same.
- Play for each other with whom you've spent countless hours in the weight room, off-season/summer conditioning program, spring football, fall camp, etc.
- Play for colors on the jersey you wear and the University you represent.
- As rough as its been of late, find the fun and joy of playing the awesome game of football. Not too many activities out there where you can (or try to) beat the sh!t out of someone else and not get thrown in jail for doing so.
I had been a real Zamberlin supporter for his years here. I honestly liked him and was a fan. Sorry to say that it's no more for me as far as his coaching goes. The story has gotten stale and pathetic. Listening to the road games or going to the home games have become exercises in futility - let's see how bad it can get. :cry:
I can't take any more of Zamberlin's comments in the press or on the post-game show. He should just rerun a tape of the same crap from the past seasons and save his breath.
From a player's perspective, what can any of the coaches possibly say or do to motivate this team any more? At what point does everyone just say "Bull Crap" to anything they say or do - especially the guys who have endured for more than just this season. Other than self-pride what do these kids have to draw from or bank on with this situation and staff? :?:
Being tired, having to travel, & bus flat tires are lame to even mention let alone present as potential excuses. What's next - an epidemic of jock itch or the need to change the air in the footballs? :lol:
:idea: Maybe we can get a show called "Extreme Makeover - Holt Edition" into production next week?
Clayton you have inspired me. I would like to add a few things to your list:

1) Play like there is a tomorrow
2) Don't lose all faith. Change is coming and things WILL BE DIFFERENT next season
3) Stay eligible--this is one of the most important things you can do
4) Be ready to start a NEW ERA
5) Rally together and stay together--no more favorites, over-lifting, blame games, contact drills until you are beat to hell or the same defensive play call 90% of the time

Coming in Spring 2011--ISU Football a Whole New Era.

Bet the house, bet the farm, take it to the bank!
Hey Bengal fans! As a Bobcat fan, it is truly disheartening to watch a fellow Big Sky Conference program implode so catastrophically. You were one of the founding members of the BSC, along with my beloved Montana State. You have a DI-AA national championship and several BSC titles. You have proven in the past that you can compete (see your game last against UM - you shoulda won!). So it's not like this has happened overnight.

A lot of you are pointing fingers at Coach Z, and probably rightfully so. There has been a lot of good talent funnel through ISU over the past several years, that I am always amazed at why you couldn't put it all together. I personally thought he was a good hire for you at the start, but I have been led to believe otherwise. But I think alot of other factors are in play as well. It would seem your AD and university prez don't really seem to give a crap about ISU athletics. That really hurts, when your own leadership can't really get behind you. Also, I think the move-up to I-A by Boise State and UI really hurt ISU in that your own community of Pocatello doesn't get behind the Bengals. I have been over to Pocatello several times for events, and I am always amazed at the amount of support the UI and BSU get there over ISU.

I don't know what to tell you Bengal fans, other than turning the corner can happen. MSU's program was in shambles many years ago, but the hiring of certain coaches has helped, and we now have a school prez that is in the corner of Bobcat athletics and that really helps. With her leadership, it looks like we will be getting a stadium upgrade in place before next season, and we have a team on the field that can compete with anybody. But it takes time. Someone in Pocatello has to have the cajones to tear the whole thing apart and start from scratch. It takes times, but if you can generate some excitement, upgrade those facilities, anything can happen.

Keep the faith Bengal fans!
Old School Cat, I'm interested in your read on what the future holds for MSU. It's becoming apparent that Montana's AD is making the case for the Griz to move up to the WAC. If they do so, will MSU make an effort to follow? Is the new $8 million stadium expansion tied to a future move up, or just a nice enhancement?

Thanks for your thoughts.
GO BENGAL PLAYERS!!! Remember I was done supporting the coaches and administration at the start of the season but I AM STILL SUPPORTING EACH AND EVERYONE OF THE PLAYERS THAT HAVE THE CHARACTER TO STICK THIS THING OUT. I can not imagine how difficult this is for you but you almost beat Montana last year! Each one of you try to find your heart and play with passion...quit focusing on the negatives and find the positives in each of you and as a TEAM OF PLAYERS you can become one. As notabengal said, PLAY FOR YOUR OWN SELF DIGNITY. The turn around has to start with you and hopefully it will work its way up the ladder. Don't stop playing this year and wait for next year, dig deep...miracles happen everyday. GO OUT ON THE FIELD AND BELIEVE YOU CAN WIN..because you can. You still have many, many fans that are behind YOU...THE PLAYERS. I read the Urinal yesterday and was frankly amazed at the article on Krosch. He took responsibility for his own play and of all the players (maybe Russel also) that could have bashed the program he is one that could have. Pull together and feed off of each other. Get your heads up and FIGHT for the Orange and Black...I can't go to the Montana game but if I could I would be there...but I will be in Poky listening and watching and cheering for you, THE IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY FOOTBALL PLAYERS. GO BIG ORANGE!!!!!!!!!
Skippy said:
Old School Cat, I'm interested in your read on what the future holds for MSU. It's becoming apparent that Montana's AD is making the case for the Griz to move up to the WAC. If they do so, will MSU make an effort to follow? Is the new $8 million stadium expansion tied to a future move up, or just a nice enhancement?

Thanks for your thoughts.

I hope and pray that the stadium upgrade is only a nice enhancement and that we continue to remain at the FCS in the Big Sky Conference. However, our new school prez did come from a WAC school and she may have aspirations to take our program up. IMHO, if MSU were to move up at this point (or any other point), we will become another Idaho, or even worse. Bozeman does not have the population base to support a FBS program (our school has a weird disconnect with the city, similar to what happens in Pocatello but not to that extent). Our school does not have the $$$$ necessary to take on additional programs, upgrade all our facilities or add new ones, and increase coaching salaries.

I believe UM will go to the WAC and will probably only compete in the Big Sky next season and then they're gone. Good luck to them, I think they will do fine. They may even be able to compete immediately for a WAC title. The downside is that it will kill the Cat/Griz rivalry. The WAC has a stipulation in the league bylaws that keeps conference members from playing down a level.

The wild card may be our state's university Board of Regents. They have the final say as to whether UM moves up or not. There is a lot of belief that the BOR would not allow one school to move up without the other. I don't think this will be the case, but I have been proven wrong before. It is interesting that we have decided to make the stadium upgrade move at a time when there is so much move-up discussion. However, we have had plans to upgrade the stadium on the back burner for several years, and I think we are just making a move now in light of our recent success on the football field. We have been playing in a sold-out stadium for a few years now, and we are turning people away at the gate. I think the upgrade is to be able to take advantage of the rising popularity of Bobcat football.
CUB- you mention in several threads about a new regime on the near horizon. Hoping that this comes to fruition goes without being said. In the QB thread you mention that earley and clark are keepers and hope that they are retained. I disagree with you and put it here, frankly because i thought it made more sense here than there... Anyways, i agree that they are pretty good coaches. IMO, probably the best on the staff. But if a new head coach is brought in, I truly believe that they shouldn't retain any of the coaches. Start completely new in every regard. Again, my opinion, and like you mention, perhaps they just got here at the wrong time, but with how things have gone under the zamboni, starting completely fresh will not only be good for the programs perception, but will help the players retrust the leadership. No preconceived notions on either side.

Oh and i can't tell you of the hope that is welling inside at the prospect of a new regime taking over. No more kindergarten finger paintings for a game plan. I truly hope you are right, and there are many, many more who feel the same.
Last time there was a coaching change, from the Lewis regime to the present regime, RB coach Nick Whitworth was the only one retained during the transition phase so he could keep in touch with the recruits. And if there's a coaching change in November then I think he should be retained as well. Although I've always liked Phil Early pretty well. Also, why was Larry Lewis relieved of his duties anyway? If we would have kept him then he and his staff would had a lot more success than the present staff.
I respect everyone's decision on coaches that stay and coaches that go. I still have my fingers crossed that the administration will pull the plug before the end of the season. If that were the case, someone would need to be the Int. HC. I think Earley would be the best option. I am just saying that the whispers in the wind mention that Clark and Earley are respected coaches. As Boise said, sometimes a coach is retained for recruiting reasons as any new HC comes in behind the eight ball.

Clean sweep? Whatever they do I am fine with it. The only thing I know for certain--change is in the air.

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