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Did You Miss the Soccer Game??? WOW!


Active member
Yesterday's game against Utah State was an amazing way to start out a season! Congrats to the coaching staff and the players for breaking an 0-3 streak against Utah State!

Thank God I caught that game! Looks like the freshman show so signs of breaking in pressure games!!! That game was a WAR!!! Incredible way to start the season, and way to go beating the Aggies! I still don't have a voice right now!

I'm so damn proud of these Bengals right now! We just willed our way to win, we wanted it more! And they did it in the last play, down with 16 seconds to go! See? Knocking down an aggressive goalie always helps!

Good luck Aggies, thanks for fighting hard til the final play. Now go beat BS-U and Idaho University. Go win the WAC, I don't want those arrogant Donkeys winning it.
Also, thanks to all the fans for coming out and cheering us on. I tell ya, I LOVE the crowd after a Ben-GOAL!!! Thanks to the football team for coming out as well, and coming up with the Aggie Meat chant! Everyone showed great pride and spirit yesterday. That's what I'm talking about! 455 people was a pretty good draw! That's the kind of thing we can build off of, and with that many people having a good time, more are bound to come; they don't wanna miss out!

Thanks everyone for coming and hope to see you at all the other Bengal games wearing orange!!!
Great confidence builder. Wish I had been able to see this game. Couple more wins and these women are going to be extremely difficult to beat. Great job to a 'never say die' team.
Ross, you did an AWESOME job yesterday... Enough bad things get said about our football guys. But I'll have you all that weren't there know, that about 30 of them were there, leading chants with Ross, and created a great environment at the best soccer field in the whole dang area. I think ISU can make some noise this year, even though they are extremely young. This is gonna be a good year for Bengal athletics, besides the volleyball squad, I believe.
WOW!!! is right. This was one of the most exciting games the Bengals have played. Almost as good the the tournament championship of 2006... that one won in a shoot out.

Despite the excitement and my enthusiasm for the team, they have a long way to go. Talk about a slow start. We went 24 miutes before our first shot. In the meantime, the Aggies put up five shots (four of those on goal) and were leading the game 1-0. They had also earned three corner kicks and the ball barely crossed midfield. It was like seeing a prize fighter sitting back on his heals while the opponent was just knocking the crap out of him. Thank goodness we finally woke up and went on the attack. If we start like that against teams like BYU and San Diego, we are going to be down five goals before we know what's hitting us.

Despite my complaints on the slow start, I was impressed by most of the rest of the game. We had a few freshmen who haven't learned to not sit on the ball. In college, if you wait too long to get a pass off, you will lose the ball 9 out of 10 times. The secret to this game is quick, smart passing.

I absolutely love what the flip throuw has done for this team. Munro and Hansen have added a new dimension to our offense. What was just an offensive reload on an out off bounds last year has become a powerful weapon this year. That throw had USU off balance all night... plus really got the crowd into the game.

The defense looked awesome all night. I really like the combination of Hough, Henage, Miller and freshman, Stainbrook, along with Harrison in goal. By and large Harrision did a great job at keeper. I think the first goal caught her off guard... hopefully she will stop those in the future. Her only other problem is with her kicks. She has one heck of a boot and can really get some distance on the ball. Unfortunately, USU figured that out in a hurry that sitting back and waiting for the ball to come to them was the way to handle Harrison's kicks. After the first few, I think the Aggies won almost every ball. I miss the variety Eves employed to put the ball in play... some deep booming kicks and some quick outlet passes to the wings who could carry the ball up the side on an attack. Hopefully Harrison will figure that out in the near future. She has the foundation to be a great keeper for years to come.

The team really needs to get up for this coming week. Air Force will play on about the same level as USU, but Colorado College is tough. I know they are just a small school, but they are a soccer powerhouse. They are usually ranked in the top ten in the Central States, along with other teams such as Texas, Texas A&M, LSU and Tennessee, and they are they highest ranked team we play this year after San Diego and BYU. While we were playing an overtime game against USU, Colorado College easily disposed of powerhouse Oklahoma, 3-1. So don't let the small school demeanor throw you.

Good Luck, Bengals! This team has the talent to walk through the Big Sky, but it will take a lot of hard work and discipline to get there.
My daughters and I made the trip down to the game from Idaho Falls. It was worth the miles - what a great game! Best I've seen at Davis Field. After the early part of the first half, the Bengals played very well and took it to USU. Has to be a big confidence booster and a fine way to start the season. Freshmen looked good but seniors Miller and Hofstetter showed leadership and strength.
I was glad Ross didn't get into a rumble with any of the irate Aggie fans. ;)
I also believe I won't sit down behind the opposition bench in the near future. It was quite lonely with only three of us jumping up when the Bengals scored! Sure glad my daughters didn't have to get me out of there safely! :oops:
:) Don't worry, we only got into one tussle. Here's what happened:

The USU Goalkeeper did play a great game (I will admit that, she was TOUGH out there, my hat's off to her), but with the way she kept chasing the balls down, to me, that seemed like she was completely willing to leave her little net area to help throw our offense off. Which can only mean she's willing to accept certain consequences (see where I'm going with this?) There is only one way to deal with that kind of aggressiveness: gotta let her have it, gotta get physical (which we did with 16 seconds left in the second overtime, she got pummeled chasing a ball that set up Skwig for the game-winner).

Well, I yelled that out to our team as I often do when the war is going on. I yelled "JUST LET THE GOALIE HAVE IT! GOTTA SEND A MESSAGE!!!" And the Aggie fans in their apparent self-righteousness started yelling "class" and "sportsmanship" at me. To which I promptly replied, "Those won't win games or in tough situations". And on and on they went. I out-yelled them, though. I DID NOT CURSE OR CALL THEM REALLY OFFENSIVE NAMES (just so we ALL get this), but I DID stand right up to them when they came calling for me. Sorry, I just won't allow somebody to talk down to me if they're wearing other colors.

Yeah, they WERE irate, hahahahaha.
The performance was good enough to have 2 Freshmen nominated for Players of the week in BSC in Ashly Askwig and Keeper Harrison actually named defensive player of the week.


What will they be when the freshmen jitters go away.
Its still going to be a long road

Go Bengals

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