Franklin Session is a great basketball player, good guy, and a great ambassador for Weber State. He is one of the hardest working players on this team and shouldn't allow this loss to affect his college career or life. Its one game.
He needs to take the frustrations from this game and use them to motivate himself. Why not keep playing basketball this season? What do you have to lose? Winning games in the NIT will only improve the perception about this team, let you continue to play together that much longer, and give you a chance to play the game you love. Play hard for your senior brothers. Give it all that you have and then come back next year more determined, more focused, and more prepared to wear your dancin shoes. The lesson from this loss is...NEVER TAKE YOUR FOOT OFF THE PEDAL!! Keep pushing the ball, keep playing aggressive, keep working hard.
He needs to take the frustrations from this game and use them to motivate himself. Why not keep playing basketball this season? What do you have to lose? Winning games in the NIT will only improve the perception about this team, let you continue to play together that much longer, and give you a chance to play the game you love. Play hard for your senior brothers. Give it all that you have and then come back next year more determined, more focused, and more prepared to wear your dancin shoes. The lesson from this loss is...NEVER TAKE YOUR FOOT OFF THE PEDAL!! Keep pushing the ball, keep playing aggressive, keep working hard.