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Geving on the Bone-Sobotka "Pain Index" Spectum


Active member
If the "Pain Index" of Ken Bone's tenure translates to a zero and that of Joel Sobotka's tenure ranks a 10, where is Geving's tenure on this scale to date?

BroadwayVik said:
If the "Pain Index" of Ken Bone's tenure translates to a zero and that of Joel Sobotka's tenure ranks a 10, where is Geving's tenure on this scale to date?


Sobotka was .473 (.452 in conference) over four years.

Geving is .435 (.375 in conference) after two, so this is a bit of a big year for the pain scale. He should probably get some props for his high APR scores.
Geving had to deal with losing practice time, a loss of scholarships, and a postseason ban from the APR situation. Seems like he has helped them dig out of that mess and last year they made the conference tourney and with a conference winning % of .625. That has to put him a lot closer to 0 than he is to 10.

I put him at a 3 right now, but I agree this is a big year for him. Curious to see how they can bounce back from losing Tapscott and Odum.

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