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Staff member
Interesting. Received this email today.

http://relay.foundation.pdx.edu/rel@ycampaigns/campaign1547/template.jsp?campaignId=1547&recipientId=14174487&mpLogId=10384&test=false" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
martymoose said:
Interesting. Received this email today.

http://relay.foundation.pdx.edu/rel@ycampaigns/campaign1547/template.jsp?campaignId=1547&recipientId=14174487&mpLogId=10384&test=false" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Very, very interesting!
Comcast Sportsnet Will Air 90-Minute Special On Viking Athletics

http://www.goviks.com/news/2013/9/17/VA" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; ... 35139.aspx
I got the same email, and I'm curious about the promise of major announcements. Who knows what counts as major to the VAP crew, but I doubt their definition is the same as mine. Outside of a major capital project or change of conference affiliation, I'm not sure we'll be impressed. If this refers to the Viking Pavilion, the major announcement already took place upon receipt of legislative support.
ManOfVision said:
I got the same email, and I'm curious about the promise of major announcements. Who knows what counts as major to the VAP crew, but I doubt their definition is the same as mine. Outside of a major capital project or change of conference affiliation, I'm not sure we'll be impressed. If this refers to the Viking Pavilion, the major announcement already took place upon receipt of legislative support.

There has been NO "groundbreaking day is X" announcement regarding Viking Pavilion. All the state said was that they would throw in 40% to 50% of the cost. Given some money was already raised, perhaps they have finally reached the tipping point?
ManOfVision said:
I got the same email, and I'm curious about the promise of major announcements. Who knows what counts as major to the VAP crew, but I doubt their definition is the same as mine. Outside of a major capital project or change of conference affiliation, I'm not sure we'll be impressed. If this refers to the Viking Pavilion, the major announcement already took place upon receipt of legislative support.

Oh, there were major announcements!:

PSU football will play at Oregon State next season.
Free food at basketball games
Buy a ticket to the football game at the end of Oct and get a turkey for Thanksgiving
Which of these would you not call major! :roll:

I am by far the biggest PSU fan of anyone that I know, and I had a pretty hard time making it through the 90 minute show. My favorite part was early on when Hersh made a comment, I'm paraphrasing: "How are we going to compete with U of O and OSU? Soon it's going to be how are Oregon and Oregon State going to compete with us!?"
VikHoops said:
ManOfVision said:
I got the same email, and I'm curious about the promise of major announcements. Who knows what counts as major to the VAP crew, but I doubt their definition is the same as mine. Outside of a major capital project or change of conference affiliation, I'm not sure we'll be impressed. If this refers to the Viking Pavilion, the major announcement already took place upon receipt of legislative support.

Oh, there were major announcements!:

PSU football will play at Oregon State next season.
Free food at basketball games
Buy a ticket to the football game at the end of Oct and get a turkey for Thanksgiving
Which of these would you not call major! :roll:

I am by far the biggest PSU fan of anyone that I know, and I had a pretty hard time making it through the 90 minute show. My favorite part was early on when Hersh made a comment, I'm paraphrasing: "How are we going to compete with U of O and OSU? Soon it's going to be how are Oregon and Oregon State going to compete with us!?"

I found the broadcast kind of tedious and a little negative. The Hersh comment is shortsighted and will alienate UO and OSU fans who might also be potential PSU fans. We should be courting UO and OSU fans to also become PSU fans when their teams are out of town.

The best part of the broadcast was the OSU game announcement. I think we should be playing OSU every other year.
I see David Hersh as the one to watch. He has a vision for the Viks in which one major pillar appears to be to get a full complement of people in the stands, the overwhelming majority for Portland State, of course. PSU fans have need of full emotional experience of this. Tbey have felt of it during some D-II football playoffs and during the Funn-Walker basketball era. Remember the pride the PSU community felt when the Viks were playing for the national championship against Troy State, the game being broadcast nationally? They need to feel this pride again consistently and on a regular basis. This is what I think is meant by rebuilding: rebuilding the pride felt within the Vik game experience.

The two promotions focus on two different primary groups. The Get-Stuffed basketball promotion targets primarily students who need to relieve stress by blowing off steam and refueling, I believe, for just such a satisfying time. Any losses sustained will be promotional write-offs, really an investment. The trade is set up so as to offer a deal to and with the students: In exchange for eating fun and saving some money, we hope that you will find the basketball experience as an unrealized benefit and, perhaps out of gratitude initially, will feel some pride in this, your university team, feel like hollering in their favor and come to see the event as something good and going to again and again. A fix that helps you relieve some stress and feel of some professionalness and hospitality. So, initially, yes, nakedly speaking, it is a food bribe -- but a bribe to a better purpose. "Please. Taste it. I think you'll like it." The experience, hopefully, will taste at least as good as the food concessions. The missing element link has been and really is the student loyalty and pride factor, getting people to the game without the bribe. But if the bribe gets them to the game and they feel pride for their school (perhaps for the first time), pride of the Viks presented professionally, then maybe, just maybe, the food bribe will become not a necessary feature for future game events. The beat goes on.

The other group targeted is Portland Metropolitans at large, the 1,950,000. We need some 20,000 of them to make the stadium feel like the playoff games of old, the overwhelming majority of whom are, yes, all on Portland State's side. The idea is that these will be grateful attendees who appreciate getting their Thanksgiving turkey in exchange for attending the home game. Is this not also a bribe? Absolutely it is. And all the same conditions apply, this time on a bigger scale. "Taste and see that the game is good." Let's say 21,250 people attend the game and a huge numbers of Thanksgiving turkeys have been given away. The cost was high but, hopefully,the reward is that the stadium was filled to near-capacity with fans who had a powerful experience together creating a deafening roar whenever something went the Viks' way. They made a roar like a large jet taking off the runway. They shared a powerful experience together. We also have thousands of families who benefited from the game come Thanksgiving Day, who likely will talk about the generosity of the giveaway and how unexpectedly fun the game was. Hopefully, those who attended will have enjoyed the powerful fan experience and will want to recapture it again for themselves and a well-valued friend. They, hopefully, will come to see the game events as a great local thing to do on the week-end in Portland.
A few more thoughts: Within their football operation, does, Linfield, for example, care one iota what University of Oregon does? Does what Oregon do affect Linfield's plans? Likely not much at all, except the idea of winning. Essentially, they are divorced from the UO in just about every way except for being in the same state.

Unless we are going to become directly affiliated with the University of Oregon (e.g. become UO-Portland), then there is absolutely no need to share anything in common with them at all. The color green, however, does link us to them. We appear as UOregon's little brother or sister sibling institution.

So why the green? Because trees are so plentiful in Portland and we are about green living? Sustainability? Would we change this aspect of our identity if our colors did not include green?

Oregon State has no green, but they are a "green university." The Blazers have no green and they are strongly identified with Portland. Therefore, I submit that the color green has really nothing manditorily to do with the identity of either Portand or Portland State and that Portland State thus need not confine itself to using it. Besides, everyone immediatly associates green with the University of Oregon. Like Linfield, let's divorce ourselves from Oregon's most decadent university, these instigators of PSU's political woes since the 1950s. What shade of green would do that for us?

I suggest we use colors that are not associated with Oregon, Oregon State and that local private school that calls itself University of Portland. If everyone gets to have white, what colors have they taken for themselves? Yellow, Orange, Green, Purple & Black.

What colors remain? There is a plethora, Guapo: {Gold, Silver, Orange-Yellow, Green-Yellow, Yellow-Orange, Yellow-Green, Bright Red, Rust Red, Light Blue, Royal Blue, Plum Violet, Gray, Charcoal Gray, Bluish Charcoal Gray, Brown, Purple-Brown (and all shades thereof)}.

Using the right shades, we could come up with a color scheme that is original, fresh and vibrant, something uniquely Portland State. Let's thoroughly divorce our identity from that of the University of Oregon.

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