Do coaches know of this board? Yes. Do they read it? Some. Do I tell them to ignore this board for the most part? Yes.
Coaches and other administrators do not post here, but I do, in part because I'm allowed to, and in part to answer questions that come up, and to remind people that this is a permanent thing for all to see, unless you do what rollingrock did and totally annihilate everything you posted and delete them all.
Remember that athletes see it, and more to the point, other fans, teams, players and coaches from opposing schools see it...I mean, if you don't think some of the things that come up here won't be shouted down to the players from the stands at Washington-Grizzly Stadium next week, well, you're crazy.
For the record, I have no idea who rollingrock is, and I don't believe the coaches do or did either. I did find the long dissertation of the program's exhibition opener amusing in that I don't think he had the comprehension of certain facts that would have made his post more accurate (like the fact that we hardly had any offensive sets put in, things like that).
Again, I look at this message board as just another way to try to connect with a fan base, regardless of how small or limited it is. But also, I'm a new-media type of guy, so it makes sense for me to be someone who pays attention to it...
FWIW, my $0.02, and all of that...