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Holmsley ineligible


Active member
Learned today that Chris Holmsley, who was supposed to start at safety against BSU, is not eligible this season. I would expect Goins to get the call.
They told him and staff just minutes before departure to Boise this morning. Chris had been here for a long time and was told he needed to take 4 units in summer, which he did, and now the athletic dept. tells him he is 1 unit short. If this the truth then someone really messed up and should be held accountable.
It happened today to a cross country runner also.
They can't wait this long to figure it all out. This is not only unfair to Chris, but to the staff, and his teammates, not to mention his family. This kid did everything he was told to do to make himself eligible(unless there is more to what I know and have been told) and someone let him down.
From what I know the ISU athletic dept. has been slow like this on many instances.
We can ill afford this stuff.
Get it tight, let's get it right!!!!
If that is the case then it is straight up unacceptable. If he did what was told to him then somone dropped the ball and that is too bad.Would he be out for the whole season?
The info I am getting is he will be lost for season. This kid is devastated over this. Make no mistake he will get thru it and be stronger because of it. However, that don't make it right what happened and more importantly, how it happened.
Unofficial, but from what I understand this is happening at different places around the country. There is some new NCAA thing that is in it's first year of existence, and as you can see, some things are slipping a bit through the cracks...I found out about 5 minutes after Chris did.

"Slipping thru the cracks" on a thing like eligibility is unexcusable to me.
We told him what to do and then he followed thru then it turned out to be not good enough.
Shame on those responsible for this.
Unless the admin had "no clue" about wutever new thing ncaa implemented, then...
How about they can take a year off from something..... like their job-- unpaid and see how they like it.
I apologize to this board for being so critical, I am sorry but this hits a cord with me.
No excuses on this stuff.
I agree this is total horsesh*t. The kid is here in the spring and in school working his ass off to be a Bengal. No excuses--people are paid to know these things.

I feel so horrible for Chris. I don't know how this works, but I hope ISU finds a way to keep him in school--and I hope that this doesn't cost him a year of eligibility.

ISU let him down. I don't blame him if he gives ISU the finger and walks.
If he's short 1 credit, couldn't he make that course up online (byu ONLINE) and get back on the field... this sucks... i wish him the best...
byu online specifically states that their classes may not be used for intercollegiate athletes to gain eligibility. I would assume that all online courses are the same.
Isn't this the job of the compliance officer and the student support services? Aren't they getting paid to prevent this very thing? What a joke! These athletes only have one shot then it is over. Someone should be held accountable. Go Bengals!!!! :evil:
I gotta BELIEVE that Coach Z feels the same as we do and will let his feelings known formally the first chance he gets after this weekend.
Bengal Five-0 said:
Isn't this the job of the compliance officer and the student support services? Aren't they getting paid to prevent this very thing? What a joke! These athletes only have one shot then it is over. Someone should be held accountable. Go Bengals!!!! :evil:

Come on, these are STUDENT-athletes, there is plenty of blame to go around.
biobengal said:
Bengal Five-0 said:
Isn't this the job of the compliance officer and the student support services? Aren't they getting paid to prevent this very thing? What a joke! These athletes only have one shot then it is over. Someone should be held accountable. Go Bengals!!!! :evil:

Come on, these are STUDENT-athletes, there is plenty of blame to go around.

I agree, in part, that there is plenty of blame to go around...but ultimately it is Holmsley who is primarily responsible for his academic progress.

From Holt Arena, this is John Clayton, BengalDen.com
Respectfully to the folks that think it is the responsibility of the student athlete...

I am pretty sure that he has an academic adviser or something similar in the athletic department. In fact, when they recruit JC kids--ISU has every responsibility to recruit kids that can make it in the classroom. If he was in fact short and took the classes that he was advised (by Idaho State) to take to stay eligible--why does the blame fall on him?

Why was he in fall ball if he did not have the needed credits.

Placing the blame on Chris at this point, unless he knew himself, is way off in my opinion. Chris was a kid that was here in the spring and an honor roll student in HS.

Similar thing happened last year with Taylor Duncan. ISU missed out on the fact that he was one credit short of being able to play.
Wholeheartedly agree Cub.
We knew his situation prior to coming to ISU and gave him the plan to follow so he may be eligible to play
come this time and he followed up accordingly.
He was misguided/misinformed however you want to put it.
I don't know how you could blame him I think he did his part.
However, maybe next time we don't cut it so close. ie. if he could've taken an extra course to have MORE than required, then we should perhaps take a look at that with everyone else in similar situations.
If his load was full for summer then that is another story.
Remember, we went almost a year without a compliance officer due tot he recovery plan for athletics....not an excuse...just sayin'

Last year you had Mike Standley listed as the compliance officer and Susan Besaris listed as the graduate compliance assistant. So I really don't know what you are referring to. Maybe you could clarify what their jobs were and if Mike was getting paid?
Recall on the unit count on Holmesly, it was 4 units not 1 that was needed. I talked to him myself, so I correct previous post.
And I believe Matt is in charge of compliance.
Mike Standley worked two days a week and only for a few hours because of his retirement. Without getting into this too much, I think after talking with plenty of folks that I know where the problem lies, and it is not with anyone that works in the athletic department, and it really isn't on Chris either. I'd rather not throw someone under the bus, but I'm fairly certain that this will be handled correctly by the powers that be.

Matt Steuart is in charge of Academics and things of that nature, not Compliance. Again, not having a full-time compliance officer really, really hurt on this one.


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