They have tried this several times in the past both at football and at basketball, but the problem is that the students didn't even know there was such a contest. Word didnt spread by word of mouth about it then, and it wouldn't now. Somebody in the athletic office has got to make it a priority to get students to games, and really put some work into it.SWeberCat02 said:You have some good ideas. But I don't think deer hunting is that much of an issue anymore. The deer hunt is not near as big as it used to be, and with the new limits on tags it is becoming even less important to more people.(and do it at half time or after the game). If word that it's possible to win free schooling by attending the game spreads, it might attract students that normally wouldn't attend, and reward those who do attend.To increase student attendance, how about giving away a free semester (or year) of school to one lucky student at each game. But the winning student MUST be in attendance
When? I've never heard this. Has anyone else. Who remebers a game when a student won a free semester. I'm callin BSajwildcat said:They have tried this several times in the past both at football and at basketball, but the problem is that the students didn't even know there was such a contest. Word didnt spread by word of mouth about it then, and it wouldn't now. Somebody in the athletic office has got to make it a priority to get students to games, and really put some work into it.SWeberCat02 said:You have some good ideas. But I don't think deer hunting is that much of an issue anymore. The deer hunt is not near as big as it used to be, and with the new limits on tags it is becoming even less important to more people.(and do it at half time or after the game). If word that it's possible to win free schooling by attending the game spreads, it might attract students that normally wouldn't attend, and reward those who do attend.To increase student attendance, how about giving away a free semester (or year) of school to one lucky student at each game. But the winning student MUST be in attendance
Waldo said:All of you have some great ideas - I think the main things they can do is:
1. Win - Nobody wants to watch a loser (e.g., Idaho State).
2. Schedule night games. Attendance is ALWAYS higher for night games. I would guess that attendance will go up 20-30% with night games.