What are some ideas to increase student attendance??
flylikeasparrow said:As a student and former chair of the Purple Pak, getting students to games is easier said than done. Last year, we had a DJ booth going and had the team with Coach Rahe come down to help spread the word for the Utah State game. As Coach Rahe was speaking, students were just walking by, not giving a rats farty-poop-poop about the Coach Rahe and the team had to say. We even got yelled at for putting fliers on cars. I guess it is against university policy to put school sponsored fliers on cars. SO AS I SAID, GETTING STUDENTS TO FILL THE SEATS IS EASIER SAID THAN DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Waldo said:I did not define non-trad just by age - it was defined by work and family status which is a more accurate predictor of free time. According to university official statistics, 23% of the WSU studentbody does not work and the remaining work full time (27%) and the rest work part-time (http://www.weber.edu/IR/stdchar.html)
As for age, 47% of the studentbody is over the age of 25 and 36% of students are married (http://www.weber.edu/nontrad/facultyresources.html).
So, if you combine that all together (working, married, parents) you get about 25% who are young, single, and more or less carefree. If your marketing plan does not appreciate and recognize that most of your target population is busy (involved with family and work), you will only be reaching a minority of your population.