Thats great knowing that attendance has improved. Good job Weber State Basketball!! Attendance is improving because the program is improving. The team deserves better though!! It's really sad that there aren't more students attending the games. Out of the many student groups on campus you would think that together they could get 1000 students to every game. Doesn't, didn't, happen. I'm really hopeful that with Kyle in charge of WSUSA that the status quo will change. WSUSA really is a waste. The Purple Pak is a bit better, but has slipped in the past year.
Got to give credit where credit is due. Athletics has done a much better job over the past couple of years. Now if only the other groups (WSUSA, PAK, SAC, Emerging Leaders, Student Ambassadors, etc) will get off their butts and work together maybe the Dee will see full student sections. With 24,000 students, its an embarrassement that there aren't at least 1000 students at each game. The Marketing Interns on campus did a great job this past year. At times it seemed like they, out of all the groups, were the only ones doing anything.
Community participation is improving too, but you need to see more interaction with Alumni through WCC and Alumni. I have a friend that keeps trying to get me to join the WCC, but I don't see its purpose. What do they do? I like knowing that I can help student athletes, but why join a club for that? I'll give development money and earmark it for Athletics, but I don't see the purpose of joining a club that doesn't do anything? I remember when I was in school that the WCC was legit. You wanted to be part of it. I think the guys name was Shay, but he was awesome. He was energetic, passionate, and truly wanted the club to grow through events and participation. To me, I don't see it like that now. But then again, I'm not a member, so I'm not completely sure, but if it was so great, wouldn't you see/hear about them more often? There has got to be more to the WCC than that. He tried to get me to join by giving me a coupon book (seriously, WCC is competing with area high schools for fundraisers?). Now Round Ball and Grid Iron I can get behind. Those seem like active organizations that use your money appropriately. As for Alumni, Awful!
Sorry for the rant. I have a lot of friends who have been part of these organizations, but for me, I wont join till they are administered by people who actually have passion, desire, and know how to treat everyone equally and kindly. A couple years back I went to get a donut with my friend at the WCC open house and was treated very poorly.