EdubAlum said:
30k dollars for a fulltime, that's just terrible. We gotta find a way to increase our athletic budget....maybe selling more tickets perhaps? Oh wait, we only have 4 home games.
Back in the day we used to hear stories of our coaches crashing on their friends' couches during recruiting trips because the budget couldn't afford them hotels. Not too much has changed, unfortunately.
As for tickets as a revenue generator, that's not the answer. Here's how I see it:
1) Tickets will remain VERY affordable to help encourage Spokane to get their asses in the seats. Even though there are only 4 regular season games @ Roos, this must happen.
2) Revenue can (and must) be generated the way it is elsewhere: Concessions, advertising, parking, licensing royalties, etc. At EWU, parking is cheap (further encouraging said Spokane asses) and licensing royalties are limited when compared to larger FBS schools or even certain conference-mates. So, how do we maximize the other two of Concessions and Advertising?
3) Facilities and infrastructure upgrades.
Namely, larger and more accessible concession opportunities for fans. It doesn't need to be much, but the current solution is more of a bottleneck that discourages people. If you've been to a game at either Martin Stadium or Husky Stadium, there is food EVERYWHERE. Obviously given the scale differences, we wouldn't need nearly as many, but the ratio should be something to shoot for.
Advertising revenue can be generated by selling dynamic adspace on a new video board as well as static sponsorship adspace surrounding it (think signs that are a permanent part of the scoreboard). This final part is ultimately going to be up to the fans and donors!
4) Most of us here are very seriously committed to EWU football and as such, we need to spread the word about the Football Excellence Fund (Vic posted something about it on the recruiting thread, I'm still getting more info myself). As I understand, it is a donation-based account that is specifically earmarked for two things -- sustaining benefits for the athletes and improving facilities. This is the most direct way we can affect the change we all want to see!
Anyway, I need to get back out and battle the blackberry jungle. So far it's Matt w/chainsaw 1 - Blackberry bushes 0