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Is this normal?


Active member
Why does it always seem like ISU has kids leaving/quitting? Every single year there are double digit numbers of kids who leave. This cant be happening at other D1 schools...we've already had 2 quit in the first week of camp. From Zamberlins first recruting class of 07 there are only 6 of the freshman left (Krosch, Albers, Hjelseth, Miller, Shedd, and Tyler). What is your guys' input?
I think Montana just had 3 receivers leave their program. It is very normal and on the flip side there might be drop downs from 1-A programs make their way into 1-AA programs in the next few weeks too. Part of college football. I see it as the weeding out process. Who is truly committed? I commend Russel Hill for sticking with the program. He could have left as easy as staying. From the article about the QB's it looks like they all are team players and put Team #1 before themselves. Go Bengals!
Football, like all other sports is dog eat dog at the college level. People leave due to grades, marriage, academics, and just a lack of commitment to football. Some get homesick. Others don't like ISU or Pocatello or other players on the team. The reasons are legion and all the coaches can do is keep trying to encourage kids to put in the work and effort to play at this level.
Players leaving or not showing up are NORMAL in all college football programs across country.

However, in the first two years of the Zamberlin era 23 of the 46 commitments are not longer with the program and only 11 of the 28 Freshman kids recruited are still in the program. These numbers may be off a smidge, but overall, they are pretty damn close.

Some of this should be anticipated with a new coaching staff. You cannot average keeping 5-6 kids in your freshman class per year and expect to build leadership, stability, chemistry and depth in the program.

Next, you need to start worrying about APR issues and a possible reduction in scholarships. At this pace, I would say that ISU is in danger of getting penalized two to three years down the road.

I will bet that these number will improve quite a bit with this current class. The 2009 class is already better off than both of the first two classes combined. I expect things might improve quite a bit.
A few more...my lucky seven...but what do I know.

1. Recruit kids with good moral character
2. Big Sky level talent--not Division II caliber athletes
3. Kids that can get it done in the classroom
4. Monitor these kids and keep them eligible
5. Make sure that they are eligible to play prior to getting to ISU
6. Pick roomates, all FR with upperclassman only (most kids that leave ran with the same group--one becomes two, two becomes three)
7. Don't burn redshirts mid-year
But Cub, other than in Missoula, where would you find kids that possess all these attributes in one body? :D
bengalcub said:
A few more...my lucky seven...but what do I know.

1. Recruit kids with good moral character
2. Big Sky level talent--not Division II caliber athletes
3. Kids that can get it done in the classroom
4. Monitor these kids and keep them eligible
5. Make sure that they are eligible to play prior to getting to ISU
6. Pick roomates, all FR with upperclassman only (most kids that leave ran with the same group--one becomes two, two becomes three)
7. Don't burn redshirts mid-year

I say 'amen' to #2
I haven't been keeping score, but how many former D1 (FBS) players have transferred to ISU this year? Obviously, if they are former D1 players, they walked away from other programs. How many of them are still on the roster?

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