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ISU KPVI-TV Weekly Coaches' Show


Active member
I hope that ISU isn't depending on the KPVI-TV channel 6, Brad Shelgren weekly coaches' show to present a positive and bright image of Bengal athletics. The show is close to amateur quality. Studio lighting, audio, and presentation are all poor. The highlights that are shown all seem to be filmed at turf level and are often saddled with herky jerky camera movement. Can't any highlights be filmed from an elevated perch somewhere - where you can actually see something?
On the other hand, I've watched another Big Sky school's (NAU) weekly recap show which is carried on one of the digital Fox Sports channels. Great lighting, crisp audio, good announcer and lots of ads for the university's programs and its different campus locations. They come across very well on both their athletic and academic offerings.
Both are Big Sky schools. So, it's not like comparing this to BCS programs.
We could and should be learning something from the NAU show, as an example, and try to improve the weekly presentation.
Not sure the input ISU has on this or if it's KPVI's responsibility but this show is another opportunity to shine, even if we do lose a game every once in a while.
Go Bengals!
What is your problem toughgong? You are always so negative. I know the fellas over at KPVI and I think they do a slam dunk job.
Could not agree more with Bengal Cub. Speaking of bush league -if that is indeed THE Ted Dawson. Just watch his amateur and often inaccurate sports reports on KIDK-TV. Notice how he never stands up - he's probably got on denim cutoffs. I'll have to go now for some real comedy as he'll be giving local HS highlights on channel 3 - that way we don't have to stay up that late for Letterman. What a slam dunk goofus!
Man, some of you people here are so terribly negative, that you try to find a reason to complain about anything that really isn't that big of a deal. I watch Bengal Review quite often on the internet and on Altitude, and I think that Brad and the gang do a pretty good job considering what they have to work with. Although it pains me to see how bad our football team is this year and what Coach Z is going through, and how much our other fall sports are struggling, I still very much look forward to watching it every week, because of the extreme loyalty and dedication that I have towards ISU athletics.

I've seen many of the other Big Sky teams' coaches shows on Altitude, and Bengal Review really isn't that bad relative to the others. Altitude still does carry many of the other coaches shows for Big Sky teams. The Poky - IF TV market is in a smaller market, like the Twin Falls market or Lewiston, ID market or many others. And for many of the announcers there that work at those stations in those markets,those jobs are entry-level jobs out of college, and they don't make near as much money as announcers in markets like Boise and Salt Lake City. Some announcers go on to those bigger markets if they're truly outstanding, but some stay at the station in the smaller market because of the love they have for what they do. And they'll eventually get raises at those stations in the smaller markets, but really, there's tons of professions out there that make more money than what they make.

I don't know why some of you people have to be so terribly negative about things and why you can't try to look at the good in things. The way I look at it is that the folks at Channel 6, including Brad, produce a lot better show than what I could ever do, and it's very time consuming to put a show together. This board is read by many people out there and we need to try to exemplify ISU in a much better way. A statute or monument was never dedicated to a pessimist.
For the record, I have no problem with the review.

Although I am showing my immaturity, Ted can still suck a big, green, juicy fart. With corn if he pleases.

I've heard and seen the guy when he was here in Boise. Not very prepared and not very receptive to any criticism.
Mitch Strohman hosts "The Score," NAU's weekly coach's show. He does a very good job, and I have to agree, the production is top notch. He also does the play-by-play for NAU. I watched MSU's show yesterday (it airs every Friday on Altitude), and I was impressed with it as well. It looks like it is filmed at the stadium (press box), with the field in the background.

I'll admit that Bengal Review's set is a little gloomy -- the dimly lit studio matched with the black background isn't a great combo. Somebody should send a memo to at least avoid dark clothing... ;)

After tonight's game against NAU, Coach Z's white coffee cups will be changed over to double fisted bottles of Johnnie Walker Black! Now those will blend into the background! :D
I'm with Cub here... Ted muddled his way through the game broadcasts and the coach's shows. He came across as unprepared at game times, mispronounced names of the players that he was should have known, and in my opinion protrayed himself as extremely arrogant. I thought he was totally bush league and was happy that he left. I didn't realized he went to E. Idaho, though.

As far as the Bengals football team... They continue to have internal issues... dismissals from the team and that only adds to the load that they bear. Every team has fans superficial fans, the ones that only care about wins. At the same time, every team has those fans that are faithful, regardless of the scoreboard. I'm sure that the team accepts those facts. All of that said, I still believe that they will get over the hump. From what I've seen, they are better than last year's team and they play with hard for four quarters.

On a personal note, I've been at Holt as some of these kids come out of the locker room for practice and have had the opportunity to say hello. Each and everyone that I've greeted seem to be genuinely nice kids - kids that should make their parents proud. At the end of the day, regardless of the scoreboard, that is what really matters. JMO.
I agree about Dawson's arrogance. I ran into him covering a baseball game at the now IF Chukars for channel 3 one evening while the 2006 soccer World Cup was going on and said that it would be nice if their sports report could include some highlights or scores of the matches. All I got from him was a rant about how soccer isn't a sport, blah blah blah. What an absolute JERK! Not only is he arrogant but shows his ignorance as well. He appears to be ill-prepared on what he does report, can't pronounce names, and is basically a small market lifer - perceives himself to be a big fish but too bad it's in a very little pond.
Enough of that - have a great rest of the weekend and pax vobiscum! :mrgreen:
Look, Theodore... I think the verdict is in on you and the dodgy sports coverage in Idaho. Actually, the Bemis dude is alright, and they have the best highlights... As for my name on here, is has nothing to do with 'tough', it is tuffgong, as in the record label for my personal favorite Bob Marley. Theodore, it's simply time to hang 'em up...

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