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IUPUI vs. PSU thread


Active member
Anyone gonna listen to the game tonight and be online? Throw some comments on here during the game if you can.
i clicked on the audio linkl from goviks.com and im getting nothing. probably gonna just watch the lakers and check the statracker. Any hints on how to get the audio?
That's the station, but the listen live function isn't working right now on my computer.
i wish but I dont think its gonna come in from the Bay area. OH well, stat tracker not working yet either
Go to the Alaska Nanooks (Fairbanks) Men's Basketball web-site, and click on the tournament icon, and you get the local radio feed.
You can actually watch on Video Streaming if you want to pay $9.95. The announcer said it was on for free at the Nanooks site, but I can't find that link.

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