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Because several people are talking about my son Jared Stutzman (2014) I felt compelled as his mother to clear a few things up. First of all, rumors get started and blown way out of proportion on boards like these. As reported, Jared has offers from Utah, Weber State, and Utah State. I can honestly say he has no favorite. He is just a kid that is constantly trying to get better, so that he can be worthy of any and all offers he receives. He wants choices when it comes time for him to decide on a college. So, saying he is openly pining for an offer from BYU- is only partly true. The truth is he is openly pining for an offer from all schools he is interested in. He was openly pining for the offers from Weber, Utah, and Utah State before he got those offers. He is openly pining for offers from many other schools. The bottom line is often, being an LDS kid can really hurt a kid’s recruiting chances with other schools. Everyone just assumes an LDS kid is a BYU- lean. Well, everyone assumed that about Loveridge and they were dead wrong. Please remember that when articles are written about these kids, they are biased. On another post they quote Jared with pro-BYU- comments. These quotes were from a BYU- writer. Of course, he is going to make it look like Jared is leaning toward BYU-. When the Utes writer wrote an article he made it sound like Jared will choose Utah. It’s their job. So, will Jared end up at Weber? I don’t know. It will be his decision. But, I can tell you that he really likes the coaching staff at Weber and has great respect for them. That will play greatly in his decision when he is ready to make it. So, don’t count Jared out. He will search for the right fit for his talents when the time is right for him to decide. I was an LDS college volleyball player and chose another school over BYU-. Even after an official visit to BYU- during my senior year. Jared will not be afraid to choose the right fit for him either- wherever that is.