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keys to the north dakota game?


Active member
so what are some keys to the nd game? their teams have been pretty good fo the last few years... what do the bengals need to do in order to win?
MY OPINION IS we need to run the ball the number of times we threw it last saturday. I believe no one can stop our run game. you all know the progression when the run game is working.

We need to limit the mistakes on special teams.

Bengals win 39-9
While I have my concerns with ISU's offense, ISU's D must show it can stop the run. If outtastate's assessment of UND O is a "run to set up the run", force the Sioux in 2nd- or 3rd and long situations and throw the ball.

Wait a minute...does ISU struggle more with the PASS D or with the RUSH D? If the Sioux run better than pass, make them play away from their strength.

Run and stop the run. It's that simple, right???

From Caccia Field in Holt Arena (how much for parking by the way?), this is John Clayton, BengalDen.com
UND 260 thru the air and 130-140 on the ground. No picks in two games from QB vs two D-II schools. Depth chart shows 3-4 defense. They beat N. Iowa a few years ago when they were ranked 3rd in the country.

They could come in to Pocatello and win this game, no doubt. But they won't, ISU by 14+.
This is easy Spartan; we need to:

--Hire D.M. as our Defensive Coordinator or at least have him consult the current DC. He knows how to watch game film which is super critical for making personnel decisions. If you don't believe me, just ask D.M.

--Delete the 5 wide set from the offensive manual for this game; add the Single Wing formation.

--Switch the OL to the DL and the DL to the OL.

--Consider giving Blue more offensive touches.

--Fix the long snapper problem.

--No interceptions, no fumbles, no penalties.

--Ask Allen if he can get a Viking free pass to play for us that weekend.

--Most of all, energize our DL bunny.
Oh my, my Lagneb.
Yes I watch game film, unlike you, who gets there information from the water cooler people, because you can’t think for yourself .I will say once again that until you kick #98 to the three position and let him reek havoc on the line where he can get one on one. Because #97 has show already shown he can’t handle the run. Maybe put # 50 up the middle, because everybody seems to dislike #94. But then again you all are the experts. Has anybody on this board pulled up stats? Game min to tackles, plays to contribution. If you had, you find uout for yourself. I watched the last film. And I will say that #94 had the worst game of the line people. But then again he only had 20 plays and they were with the backups. I’m saying put him in there with #98 at the same time as well with #50, and this defensive will turn around. Or I guess we could do what Lagneb said and swap the lines around. I don’t know what face he slapping on this one, but you are an idiot. Remember the key to the D-Line is #98. Break out your crayon Lagneb your turn..
I've gotta agree with D.M. on this last post. #97, Crittendon isn't one of the 6 best. Amos, Milbourn, Tuua, and Cloward with Jones, and Rutten the two main backups. That's just my take...
I think almost everyone here would like to see Milbourn play more. I think most people agree that some changes on the d-line need to take place. Tuff, I would like to see the rotation just as you said, but I am not sure what is up with Jones? He isn't playing very much at all. The ends were getting rocked vs Idaho. I am convinced that ISU could be solid on the interior--but I am way concerned on the edges. With that said, it is very early and what we saw the last two weeks might not be what we see the next two.

How about this--how many defensive ends will ISU have coming back next year? Better yet--how may upperclassman DE's will ISU have returning? Is Durr and end or tackle--because I have heard he is awful good?
Not to change the subject but i have to give a shout out to the O-line. It is finally nice to see them protecting the QB and making that horseshoe protection like most the other teams do. Even at the Boise game, Hill could have made a sandwich and eaten it for the amount of time he had in the pocket.
I agree with bengalroar on this one. The o-line has done an awesome job. Some of the best I’ve seen. Major kudos to the O-Line coach. It’s amazing what you can do when you work as a team. As long as they stay healthy and we stop pretending they are a 5 wide out team.
We have two running backs that can run the ball and play keep away from the opponent. The score won’t be as exciting but this team will win.
Hill kind of a remind me of a Jim McMahon of the bears. Arm not that good, passes look like bobber in water. But gets the job done.Offensive is only one part. When the other two aspects of our game catches up, this team will be exciting.
DM- Don't be so criptic with you. I can see you know the game, but at least list the players you think should be playing and why. I simply want to see your analysis. I do understand you not wanting to mention players you don't see as "capable" as others.

I'm interested for you to not pull punches and tell me what you think the defense needs and who you think needs to be there.
I’m sorry qb, I wished I could go over the defensive again, but for some reason the board has it in for me that I’m bias on #94. I have spoken about all the players from top to bottom on defensive and who looks good together and why. For the most part the changes have been made. With the exception of two players on defensive. A CB and a d-line man. As long as #97 is in there they will work #98 over. #97 with his go get-em is perfect for 2nd in long 3rd in long, with the pass is evident. He can’t handle the run, reflex not quick enough. And we have him starting at the three. And I feel that’s what’s killing us. As I used to say “Live eye don’t lie”. (Film)
Really it doesn’t matter who you put in at the nose except #98. When the coaches decide to put him out, and not over, this team will get the line they deserve. #98 is the key to the defensive. So goes #98 so goes this line. Some may say I am ripping the coaches, but seriously I’m not. The coaches are going to do what they feel needs to be done. But it’s fun talking about it on the board. If the coaches are getting their feelings hurt on what I say on the board, there not coaches. I know they read this. All I try to do is put a different thought, something they may have overlooked. Most of the stuff the coaches read on the spread they laugh at, and the others they think about.
There is no need to talk about the offensive. They will be just fine, as long as they stay away from (5-outs). When the coaches decide to do this I promise not to say (I told you so).
Not true DM, not true.

Most have no problem with what you say--and many (including myself) agree with a number of your statements. What rubs people the wrong way is the comments about who the players support and comments that can hurt or divide a locker room. Comment like--having to start the senior or not wanting to show another coach up--that is what SOME folks struggle with.

Guess what, I want to see Milbourn more, too. Nothing wrong with that. Your evaluation of the D-line is spot on as well.
North Dakota 20
Idaho State 16

If this were a normal week with a Saturday game, I'd say the Sioux would be more like 10 point favorites.

I think ISU will be relegated to passing 45+ times again this week because UND's run defense is too good for the Bengals to do anything against. If our pass rush is not totally inept, I think our secondary will do fine against Hill and Thompson.

My biggest worry is ISU's special teams. Seems like your return specialists are pretty good.

Good luck (but not too much ;) ) ! Hoping for an entertaining game with no injuries on either side.
I hope we do try +45 running plays, ND just might get surprised. I believe our OL is one of the three or four best OLs in the Big Sky. The DL is another story.

I saw far to often during the game with Idaho, Idaho's OL lock up our DL and LB personnel, forcing the DBs to make far to many tackles. UofI is only a middle of the pack Big Sky team--many Sky teams could beat the Vandals, so if we don't beat ND this week, we could be in for another long season.
How will we win the ND game? Oh, I dunno...

R-U-N the damn ball more. Only Texas Tech, Missouri, Kansas and Hawaii pass 65 times a game. We are not those schools.

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