ewueagle2010 said:
The stadium upgrade is not set in stone, I won't say anything is set stone at EWU until ground is broken. We've had a history at Eastern of having plans fall through. With that said, there is a ton of work being done behind the scenes for the Gateway Project as they look for private funding.
Last I heard, the stadium capacity would sit at 18,000 once the renovation was complete. I know most EWU fans are really hoping this happens and soon! But we have not had many updates lately.
If you can make it over in 2014, do so! EWU fans are not nearly as bad as they're made out to be by many on Egriz. This has become quite a nice little rivalry the last 6 years or so.
The Gateway Project when finished will be a great boost for the program. However, Eastern does not need a new stadium to be a consistent power in the BSC. The program has already shown that since 1987. Also, the EAGS will consistently beat Montana in the future regardless of stadium size.
I don't care what Egriz posters think about Eastern fans. I think our visitor stands are far too plush for those self-acclaimed tough guys. The main instegator for the "hate Eastern fans" is alphagriz1 who got his butt kicked in 2010 by an EWU grandma that resembled Betty White. That same year alphagriz1 had to endure his favorite NDSU team getting beat by the EAGS in the playoffs and he has never recovered since.