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Lets get this Playoff thing started....

Bengal Roar

Active member
We got a huge game coming up on Saturday. I am stoked and can't wait. If we win on Saturday we are only 2 wins away from the Big Dance. Someone has to win the BSC tourny. Why not us? We can't let down. We must turn the heat up even more and make the run. I am not putting the cart before the horse. I am saying we have just as good a chance as any. We are peeking and now is the time. We have played in the big time games this year. We have played in the big time venues this year. It can't get worse. It will only get better. The team is exited. The fans are excited. This is what it is all about. Lets get the community involved and get them to the game. We owe it to Coach O"Brien and the team to get the dome packed. They have performed and now we must. Go Bengals!
Go ahead and talk, talk, talk Wildcat...if you win the tourney so be it. But if we end up playing you again...it will NOT be like last time...you'll know the heartache of losing the tournament title on your home floor!
Wildcat...if you paid attention, you'd know we've won five of our last six...not just two against SAC and NAU. Oh by the way, if our wins against those two teams are of little significance...neither were the Weebs wins against the same two teams...really no-count wins for the purple kitties.
It is anyones right now. We can create all kinds of scenerio's or we beat them who beat them etc.
In games earlier in the season didn't Weber only beat Nau by 5 points? And didn't Weber beat Sac by only 8? Didn't Montana St. beat Weber at home? We beat MSU twice. And didn't Weber beat ISU in overtime and the top scorer had 5 fouls and should have been out?(I know our fault) And yes we had one also with 5 fouls but not a big contributor that night. Anyways, we will see what these teams are made of in the next few days. May the toughest team survive. GO BENGALS!
No I dont think that Weber's wins vs Sac and NAU were of any significance, but we did sweep both schools, and we might have only beat sac by 8 at their place, but we beat them by 36 at home, but at least we didnt lose to Sac.

We have swept Montana, we have swept Portland State, We swept UNC, and we have swept you guys (regardless of OT, you were up by 13 points before your team blew it), . yes we lost at home to MSU by 5, but we did just beat them by 20 at their place.

Before you can worry about getting to Ogden, you need to first worry about UNC, they are very dangerous.

May the best team win. Good Luck
No I dont think that Weber's wins vs Sac and NAU were of any significance, but we did sweep both schools, and we might have only beat sac by 8 at their place, but we beat them by 36 at home, but at least we didnt lose to Sac.

We have swept Montana, we have swept Portland State, We swept UNC, and we have swept you guys (regardless of OT, you were up by 13 points before your team blew it), . yes we lost at home to MSU by 5, but we did just beat them by 20 at their place.

Before you can worry about getting to Ogden, you need to first worry about UNC, they are very dangerous.

May the best team win. Good Luck

You swept Sac State...worst team in the conference...we didn't.

We swept Montana State...in the BSC Tourney...you didn't, losing at home.

As Roar said...it goes on and on...even saying you swept us. The only thing that matters is who wins now, that's why my response to your initial post. Anybody can talk crap...but the only thing that matters is who wins NOW. It's one-and-done if you don't, and our tournament starts tomorrow night. We lose...we're out. You lose...you're out. That rule applies equally to everyone from here on out.

I hope we see you in Ogden.
I think Weber is a clear favorite at home. However, ISU isn't looking good just because of wins against SAC and NAU. With under six minutes left in the first half, SAC had not scored a field goal. It's three points at that point all came from free throws. At the same time the Bengal offense was scoring at will. We beat SAC by 35. Weber beat them by 36. These teams have two different styles of play so comparisons are pointless. All it says is both teams played well. Against NAU the Bengals went on a 15-0 run to close the first half and played even better than the Thursday night before. They forced NAU into two shot clock violations and countless jump ball situations. NAU has young talent and tends to fall apart late in home games and play poorly on the road. Even so, the Bengals played really, really well. My final point is that not one of us will play one minute in the tournament. Therefore smack is also pointless. Lets leave that to the Bengals and the Bears for now. The Wildcats can wait. Run fast, jump high. Go Bengals.
Not sure if you are aware of this, but at the very end of the BigSkyTV feed of the ISU-UNC game, you and your pardner were very entertaining while you were having a great laugh at the expense of the grisly we-lost-to-our-rivals-who-were-not-play-very-well-down-the-stretch-on-our-own-floor um basketball team when you were spreading the word to Frank and the others on press row that the Bobcats were victorious in Mazola. "There is no joy in Mudville..." I loved it. Your comments, coupled with the MSU victory, made my night. You are now officially my 2nd-favorite radio team in the league. Please don't be offended that Wildcat Carl Arke has 1st place all sown up.

Oh, by the way, you called a very entertaining game. Great win Bengals. See y'all in Ogden on Tuesday, and hopefully on Wednesday too.
Congrats to the Bengals, get after Portland State in Ogden. Let's hope we get a highlight YouTube clip of Stucki's dunk.
That was one of the sickest dunks i have ever seen in person. Stucki had some energy. I think he was drinking jet fuel before the game. Nice game.
I hope I got the shot your talking about the coach of the soccer team tripped over our power and took us out for 10 mins. As Walter would say (Jeff Dunham ) " Dumb ASS"

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