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Marketing ISU Athletics


Active member
There is an article in today's paper about marketing our athletics here at ISU. I think its a good article and I agree with the writer. I brought this up in one of my classes about how we have some big games at home with BYU Utah and Utah State. I would hope that there would be more marketing about it. Its a big opportunity to market these games and nothing is really being done. Isu has a good opportunity to get a very large crowd and get the community involved. For example.....Make a package for people to purchase tickets to these three games.. if they buy all three they it would be cheaper than buying a ticket for just each game. Put signs up on Billboards all across town with the logos of the three teams and the dates we play them. Something. i am aware of the budget issues i know it affected me too. But i am sure we have some creative people here in Pocatello that can put some ideas together.. A large fan base will be nothing but positive for ISU and the community. If we can get a big crowd that can carry over to conference games and can help us win and maybe host the tournament. I would be willing to volunteer to help promote these games or do what ever i can possible. If we could host the tournament that might bring in some revenue to the community and the school.
The BYU game can be purchased through season tickets or a multi-pack, until the week of the game, and then you can get just single-game BYU tickets. The price goes up the day of the game from $15 to $20. I do know this has been sent to the media, and it is a part of our basketball advertising, and it's on the online ticket purchasing site as well.

The theory behind not doing all three as a group is at that point, you would probably be a season ticket holder anyways, and Utah and Utah State, while great opponents for us to have in Holt, they just don't have the obvious draw here that BYU does, hence the separate deal. Plus, with the way the economy is, we didn't want to put restrictions on tickets for games so close to the holidays...some fans might be able to only make one game in December, so we don't want to penalize our fans in that way. The BYU ticket deal is really to protect our fans and allow them the opportunity through purchasing a two-game multi-pack or season tickets that they will get the best seats.

Not says that gobengalsgo's idea isn't valid, because it is, and I like this train of thought....just giving you some of the reasoning behind things...

gobengalsgo said:
There is an article in today's paper about marketing our athletics here at ISU. I think its a good article and I agree with the writer. I brought this up in one of my classes about how we have some big games at home with BYU Utah and Utah State. I would hope that there would be more marketing about it. Its a big opportunity to market these games and nothing is really being done. Isu has a good opportunity to get a very large crowd and get the community involved. For example.....Make a package for people to purchase tickets to these three games.. if they buy all three they it would be cheaper than buying a ticket for just each game. Put signs up on Billboards all across town with the logos of the three teams and the dates we play them. Something. i am aware of the budget issues i know it affected me too. But i am sure we have some creative people here in Pocatello that can put some ideas together.. A large fan base will be nothing but positive for ISU and the community. If we can get a big crowd that can carry over to conference games and can help us win and maybe host the tournament. I would be willing to volunteer to help promote these games or do what ever i can possible. If we could host the tournament that might bring in some revenue to the community and the school.

Here is the link to the article gobengalsgo is referring to:


I'm curious as well as to the strategic plan to market and promote these games. Going beyond the multi-game ticket packages, press releases to various media outlets, the meet and greet at Wingers, the posters/magnets, what other marketing strategies is ISU employing given the current budgetary constraints?

1) What's it going to take to get students to the games (or athletics events in general)?
2) What's it going to take to get the community to the games (or athletics events in general)?
3) Who is ISU target audience to draw to these events?
4) Through what forms of media are most effective in getting the word out about these events to students and the community? Radio, print, email?

As an alumn of U of Idaho, in addition to ISU, I received periodic, if not weekly, announcements in my email about upcoming U of Idaho athletic events with hyperlinks embedded in the message if I have questions, if I want to purchase tickets, etc.

From 20'9", this is John Clayton, BengalDen.com :D
I have always felt that an effort to bring together a strong student section that was organized and focused to get into our opponents heads with chants and such would strengthen our chances at W's at home contests. I am not sure if ISU Marketing is capable of going forward with this effort or if it would be more realistic for the student athletes and coaches to ASK for the support of this "target audience".

Here comes the complicated mess that is ISU. There are several target groups for ISU and I pray that they have recognized them already. Clayton could argue that ISU is not capable of supporting these events due to the demographic matrix that supposedly exists at ISU. His argument could be that ISU is a "non-traditional school." But Snake could argue that a student is a student. They may not be available to attend all the games, but they have the right to be reminded of these events and should be strongly encouraged to attend them also. Whether it is bribery or bartering. Whatever it takes to get the 12'th man.

Here is a random thought. Why not utilize Marketing Intern (s) and set up a support booth in the SUB. They can actively market ISU athletics there. Ask students to pledge there support to ISU athletics. Get some Bengal paw stickers and print their name and that they are supporting our team at whatever event is coming up. Give them a special ticket for admittance in the student section. Write it down. Put there name into a drawing to be held at the game. Anything to spark student support. Offer an additional free ticket to them for pledging there support for a game. There is an opportunity to double the student section and get more butts at the games.

Take the same effort to the streets. Businesses, high schools, middle schools, PTA meetings, AD-Council, City of Pocatello, Town Hall meetings, or Alcoholic Anonymous meetings. Hell, I will go to the courthouse and pledge people coming out of the if Coach Z was doing it.

If you read this whole message then you have the vision. Next week will discuss the ties between ISU and community involvement at sporting events. Just kidding.
Another question along the marketing lines:

Is there ANYTHING we can do or are planning to do for the last home game of the season for football??
It is against Sac State(most likely our last chance to get a W) and if only 5,500 were at the Weber St. game, who knows what amount will be there for this game.

Why can't we 'give away' some tickets or something? Like 5,000 tickets
To the community, high schools, businesses that support our program.
I mean get out blitz it and visit them, walk it if you have to, whatever.
I know it is a little late but.......

The stands are going to be less than half full anyhow.
We could recoup at least some of the cost of the ticket in concessions and parking.
And at the same time, get people out to come to a game to support the team and fill up The Holt.
?????? Who knows....if they actually liked the experience, more than likely, they would return again for a future game.
We need to have a detailed plan (other than just WIN) with specific items outlined to gain community interest and support????
I am for helping out anyway I can.
Once all the particulars of the Food Drive thing for the Sacramento State game is completed, it'll be on the website and sent out to the media. Just crossing Ts, dotting Is ... I know Jeff and KaLee have been working on this, along with some other stuff.

Canned food drives are great. ISU does that consistently which is great for improving the state of our community. It seems to me that these canned food drives are only for a game or two so this leads me to my point and question; What are the short and long term plans for marketing?

Can anyone forward the marketing plan for ISU athletics to me? It would be an interesting read.
Frank, what about suggesting that the department have a "round table" or "town hall" style meeting for those of us that have some ideas that might wanna be heard?

Include students, business leaders, community enthusiasts, etc......
Seems like some ideas could come out of such a thing.
snake said:
Clayton could argue that ISU is not capable of supporting these events due to the demographic matrix that supposedly exists at ISU. His argument could be that ISU is a "non-traditional school." But Snake could argue that a student is a student. They may not be available to attend all the games, but they have the right to be reminded of these events and should be strongly encouraged to attend them also. Whether it is bribery or bartering. Whatever it takes to get the 12'th man.

Snake - now you're freaking me out when you start referring to yourself in the third person. :lol: :lol:

Whatever it takes to get students and their friends/families to the game. Although economically it doesn't make sense to "give" tickets away, but maybe have a deal for ISU students...For example, an ISU student gets a free ticket and then can purchase up to 3 additional tickets for $5.00 each (hell that's less than a matinee showing at Pine Ridge or Edwards in IF). Maybe they are doing this already or have tried something similar in the past...I don't know.

For prospective students with scheduled campus tours through admissions office, maybe cut a deal where they (prospective students and their parent(s)) can receive discounted or complimentary tickets to an athletic event.

What about (if there isn't one already) a partnership with University housing to get ISU students living on campus (Rendezvous, Turner, et al) and have a competition between housing units of who gets the most residents at the ISU game (throw a pizza party to the winning floor delivered by members of the team - yet another way student-athletes connecting with fellow students). There also seems to be a large # of students living in Bengal Creek apartments off-campus...can a deal be struck with those residents to get a limited # of free or discounted tickets. "Mention you are a Bengal Creek resident or proof of residence to receive free/discounted tickets"...or something like that?

To reach other areas, can ISU offer "American Falls or Aberdeen High School Night," for example, where students from those schools with student ID can purchases up to "x" tickets at a discounted price?

John Clayton is just brainstorming ideas about ways to attract people to ISU events. He's not sure of the overall economics (is it economically feasible for Athletics to sell tix at a reduce rate? I know Athletics sells group discounts tix).

In the third person, he's John Clayton, BengalDen.com :D
I really like where this is going. Great ideas. Bengalbeliever, i like that idea on getting the crowd there even if the University has to open the doors for free. What will it hurt. Then we go gangbusters on the free t-shirts, the blimp, the music, have Pizza places in town donate a few pizzas per establishment and have the cheer leaders give them out to the loudest fans? Don't you think the people would want more? They will want to get out and see what Hoops is all about. It was so pathetic at the weber game. It was silent and i could hear myself thinking. We need to implement most of these ideas that everyone has. Go Bengals!

where is spell check on this board?
Thanks Roar.

I mean nothing from nothing is nothing.
But......something from nothing is something!!

The seats would be empty anyhow. The ticket printing cost is what?? $2 maybe
I say like Roar, let's just get 'em in The Holt.
I'm not saying every game just a game like Sac St. where it is apparent we won't have too many people there.
Then, like you also said, let's kill 'em with kindness and a great experience and help out the team at the same time.

We need a 12th man out there!!
My biggest complaint is with the media. I feel it is important to draw a larger area as a fan base - Idaho Falls and all the smaller rural communities. Channel 6 covers Boise State games!!!What is that all about!!!The Post Register does a terrible job supporting ISU. There are local players from that area that I feel people are interested in. They support Idaho and BYU better than ISU. We need to promote ISU to the surrounding area better and get a bigger fan base. For instance have special nights for our Idaho players and announce Idaho players and their communities and recognize them and try to get more support there from their home town fans.
I have mentioned getting the IF paper involved a few times in the past on other blogs. It's a great idea. I know Herb Williams had a few pre-season basketball practices and I think a exhibition game there. We would be a power if we could get IF on board. I know Teton Toyota advertises ISU sports, so lets get some more business up there working for us.

We need payment plans for Bengal Foundation dues and season ticket purchases. People are having a hard time coming up with that much money at one time. Our company has elected to quit taking it out of our checks each pay day.

And, I'm very happy that the SID comes through with great information on this blog. Thanks, keep up the good work. And, lets figure out a positive way for people to be able to contribute.
Great ideas, crockett. It would be better to do promotions with organizations and let them purchase tickets for less and sell them than to have empty seats. Have a high school night and let the players and their families purchase tickets for $5.00, Veterans night - $5.00 a ticket, Senior citizens, Large corporations such as INL, State employees....Do you get my drift. Try to fill the seats. One stipulation you have to wear Orange or Black!!!! I am also grateful to Frank with keeping us informed! Keep up the good work Frank! GO BIG ORANGE...BEAT MONTANA!!!! IT CAN HAPPEN!!! BE POSITIVE!!!!
One more idea...Last home game if you wear ORANGE you can purchase the ticket for $5.00.
its been awhile since my last visit, I am admittedly excited for both programs to take off, after reading this thread and a few related, I thought I would post this paragraph from our site (cubuffs.com) it sort of goes with what you folks are getting at.


FANS/HOME OPENER... CU basketball fans can pay only $1 admission for the home opener. All fans will receive a free CU t-shirt courtesy of CU Athletics and FSN Rocky Mountain while supplies last. The free CU t-shirt will give basketball fans free admission to all the men’s and women’s basketball non-conference home games through the first week of January when they wear the shirt to those games.

we have done alot in the last few years to drum up support, we haven’t been the best evening attraction around town for quite awhile, but pizza for students has worked, T-Shirts has worked, dinner coupons etc.... for students has worked and lotteries, raffles silly stuff but flat screen TV's from the local electronics store GO ALONG way to helping.

You definitely need a STRONG marketing and SID department, the meet and greets will work wonders, but the staff from AD and Marketing need to be in the public face 24/7

OK enough of that, you guys are on the right track if you can get and keep this going, I cant wait for tomorrow night what a weekend for me, go Kal, Go Bengal’s!!
I'd like to invite everyone to ditch that terrible 2A football game we'll play and drive 3 hours with cheap gas and watch a real D1 team take on the Broncos in basketball. We need a huge group of fans in Boise, cuz it'll be a sweet celebration when we win!

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