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Mascot night


Active member
Why doesnt Weber do the Mascot night basketball game thing anymore?

I though it was cool and it usually brought in good attendance numbers.

I remember when Big Blue from Utah State came down and everyone booed him, and then when he was driving to the basket the big army guy stepped in front of him and sent him flying across the court.

Could they not get enough mascots to come or did they just not want to do it anymore?
I'm not sure why. It seems like they did do it the season before last. But you're right. Those games brought in a nice amount of fans.
one of the biggest problems was/is finding people to be in the mascot costumes. Some of the mascots were very aggressive and actually hurt some of the others in the costumes. That is why the Jazz bear and other professional mascots quit coming to "mascot night". :doh:
They should at least try to get the mascots back to the game, even if they dont play a game, it brings in good crowds.

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