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Matt Wahington


Active member
Whatever happened to matt washington? I enjoyed watching him play and thought he was a good asset to our team last year and then he just wasnt here this year. Does anyone know what happened or why he isnt on the team anymore??
He was going to be a walk-on this year, but something happened to his kneecap during the off season. I don't remember if it was broken, tendonitis, or what. He also is married and has at least one child. He decided to concentrate on school and getting a job. Great guy, but had difficulty with learning and remembering all of the offensive sets. A lot of athletic ability, worked hard and great team mate but because of injury and family situation, had to quit basketball.
ya he seemed to be a great player and could jump out the gym!! watching him throw down was unbelieveable. thats too bad tho but in the long run it was probably a good choice for him and his family

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