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Maybe its time to say goodbye to Athletic department.

:oops: Maybe its time to say goodbye to athletics at ISU. I agree with the prof. in the spring who said that it may be time. Its not really a part the of the southeast idaho community culture. Only a small # of students even support the programs, and if it wasn't for the other athletes there would not be many who even go to games. The drain on the budget is huge, which would be much better served in the academic areas of the University. Majority of all students are non-traditional and really don't care what the volleyball, soccer, softball, track, tennis basketball or football teams do.
Interesting seeing quite a few of the men's and women's basketball players at the football game. Also saw some volleyball players, too. There are some students that do attend the games but it'd be interesting to see the percentage of the student body compared to other schools. Maybe if it were made to be more of a fun experience for the students, you'd see turnout. Winning aside, it's the opportunity for entertainment and socializing, too.
As far as socializing goes, Bengal Fest needs some kind of injection of liveliness. It's the same old thing all the time. Even the usual sponsors giving out cheap advertising trinkets or having games for the kids seem to have disappeared. Last year was more sparse than the year before and this past Saturday the only exciting thing was the pole vaulters. Music is too loud (and not all that great) and you can't sit and enjoy a chat with anyone you happen to meet there.
Get some games for the kids to play - contests passing or kicking a football- on the grassy area away from the Holt for example. C'mon, someone has got to have some imagination!
I agree, it may be time to say goodbye. by the way 1981 get a life little man, is troll all you can call someone when you disagree? come on, try to come up with something a little more clever.
While I was not orignially happy with the idea, it might be a a good idea to consolidate resources.

Something like drop football, and focus on Basketball and becoming a power like Gonzaga...

I don't know, I sure don't have the answers
Okay this is my first year following Bengal Football and the first thing I want to say is that I have never seen so much quit and so much drama in this post. Give me a break. The Bengals last Big Sky Championship was in 2002. That was 7 years ago. Am I wrong? All programs have had their ups and downs and that has been discussed in other threads. As a student at BSU in the 80s, I had to listen to the “drama queens” then, but look where the team is now. I’m sure if BSU begins losing any games this year, the “chicken little, the sky is falling band wagon” will be posting the same thing….off with the coaches head or the “see, I told you so” gang will rear their ugly heads….oh and there will be the “go back to Big Sky” group. Yes, they are all out there. Honestly, if I were a player, I would never get on this site because it breeds despair, lack of support, lack of confidence by SOME, not all. You know who you are.
Granted, after seeing my first game last week I TOO had my doubts, but, to dispose of the football department is the dumbest thing I ever heard of. Why don’t you convince teams like Nebraska who were a power house at one time to follow suit. Changing coaches with every losing season is not the answer, just look at their history. Regardless who is coaching, rebuilding takes time. Unfortunately everyone wants a quick band aid fix. Advice to the naysayers…..quit being part of the problem and start being a part of the solution. Work on fixing the things that you can. What really needs to happen is mending the relationship with the administration, fans and community. I am not completely familiar with the past politics of ISU, however, I do know, is that you have to move on. Harping on hiring practices and good ole boy practices will do nothing to help the program move towards a positive direction.

This last game was my first ISU football game. What I enjoyed the most was the home town quaintness and the minimal commercial appearance that you get with teams such as BSU. Oh, about the parking fee….where else can you purchase 4 parking spaces for $60 for the season? If I added gas cost round trip from Boise to Pocatello, added 1nights stay in Pocatello and dinner for all of the ISU home games, it still wouldn’t cost as much as a seasons parking pass at BSU. $5 parking fee for each game is hardly gouging anyone. Go and park along the road if you want free, the walk will do you good.

Sure there were many painful errors made during the game. Sure you can blame the coaches for not preparing the players; however, the players have to take some responsibility as well. They need to work on discipline and staying focused. I do agree that scholarships should be yanked for continuous poor performance. It’s no different than a job and it might be the best thing to do to get their attention. Mediocre players might think twice before accepting a scholarship.

Enough already! These are just a few of the issues that were on my mind. I’m off to the positive threads. All of you negative ninnies please stay off of those threads. Thanks!
The world has changed and in very short period of time and how long will this negative economic situation last dont know others are much smarter. Many schools around the country are reviewing their issues with sports its costs and benefits. The landscape is not even throughout the country so there are many factors that go into this evaluation. If you look back at the WCC(West Coast Conference) that has Gonzaga etc that conference left football about 5-10 years ago primarily do to cost but now have very strong teams in other aspects. I came upon an article attached that shows the expereince with pay to play games and other strugles from other schools. ISU is not alone.
Tigress-welcome aboard.

At times I have felt the same way as you and at times I have called folks out for being a part of the problem and not the solution.

As, I grow older and I hope wiser, I am trying my best to take respect other folks for the opinions that they have. This message board community in many ways is not different than any message board across the country. People get frustrated, people say things that they might regret and people have very strong opinions. Something that I have learned is that is does not make them less of a fan.

As a kid, I got in fist fights when kids would bad mouth the Bengals. I cried when they lost and I seriously felt very affected when ISU had tough times. Now as an adult, I mope around the house when ISU loses. I sit on the toilet and second guess what should have been. Hell, my family leaves me alone when ISU is struggling because I am a total baby when things are not going the way that I want for the Bengals.

Someone very involved in the ISU athletic department private messaged me a few weeks ago. The message--sometimes I agree with what is said on this board and sometimes I do not. However, I firmly believe that fans need a place to vent. Well, as painful as it is to read sometimes (and I have said some pretty bad things that I wish I hadn't) the truth is, that is what this board is for.

I saw last week an explosion of upset Bengal fans. I also believe that they had a right to be pissed and very mad. I saw folks on this board spew anger that I have never seen them spew before. ISU had just been WORKED by a D-2 team on their own home field. To top it off a player tossed in a daisy-cutter of a quote implying that he and others were taking plays off and not trying as hard as they could. Now, I know that this player probably misspoke, but perception is reality.

I FIRMLY believe that the supporters of Idaho State University by nature have been very forgiving. I also believe that the community of Pocatello will support any coach, player and team that is showing progress. I also believe that fans want to see a program that is building a solid foundation for the future. Most of all, I think that fans of Idaho State University are extremely easy to please.

I am tired of reading that this board kills morale, hurts the players and scares away recruits. I guarantee that things were said in the locker room after the game that could be interpreted as frustrated, angry and counterproductive. My point, everyone is frustrated and that should be expected and accepted.
first - my apologies to webcaster - i poped off when i should have thought first - my bad and i am truly sorry

second.... cub.. about the toilet mention/image.... too much information :(
Welcome Bengal Tigress and i appreciated your comments

Cub, Bravo-Bravo-encoure (or however the hell you spell it) Well said Cubster.

Now to you Sparty. Way to come back with that apology. I will give you a thumbs up for that one!
My apology if you felt I was bagging on this blog. That was not my intention. I do understand the fans frustration, however, you don't abandon the program. Recommending doing away with a program is a little extreme, don't you think. My observation while I was at the game is that there are many supporters in Pocatello and I absolutely believe that there is only a small population that wants to ax athletics. Those people are normally the ones that argue that it takes away from academic funding, which is normally not the case. BSUs football program has brought in a mulititude of funding for academic scholarships and resources for many of the academic departments.
Okay, so ISU got beat by a D2 school. So what! Look what happened to Michigan in 2007 when they got beat by Appalachian St. That year Michigan went 1-3 their first 4 games....this year they are 4-0. The pendelum and momentum can change at any moment. Keep the faith Bengal fans.

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