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Media Guide

Why doesn't Mike Lund post a pdf file of the media guide on goviks.com? The Big Sky Conference web sites have copies of their media guides up.
martymoose said:
Looking for who was listed as #00 between the years of 2000 and 2005.

Funny you should mention this because at the conference tourny I saw a guy wearing a 00 PSU jersey and I wondered if we'd had a player with that number.
Yes, Marty, I saw the same guy wearing that jersey on Tues. & Wed. night, and wondered where he got it. I checked the 04-05 and 05-06 media guides, and there was no 00. I also checked some of the box scores in the "Archives" at goviks.com for 2002 - 2004, and there was no 00 there either.
Oh man, I thought that was a new recruit. You looked like a real three point threat.
VikThunder said:
Why doesn't Mike Lund post a pdf file of the media guide on goviks.com? The Big Sky Conference web sites have copies of their media guides up.

You're right. This has been suggested many times, and we all thought it was going to happen with the "new" GoViks.com. It would sure help...not just for "hard core" fans, but for visitors to the site as well.
martymoose said:
Guys, that was me with the #00 jersey on. :-)

Got it off of eBay for 30 bucks.

Now I know who are you are. Much younger and better looking than I imagined !!
I wish I'd said hi. You must have gone by me about 14 times !!

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