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Mid-point conference analysis


Active member
Well we're just over half way through the conference season, so I think it's time to get our thoughts on the season to this point.

Every season, in September/October, we talk and talk about how deep our team is. This year was definitely no exception. Yet without fail, in February comes the painful realization that we're not nearly deep enough.

The lack of a true point guard is painful to watch. On Thursday night, Amorrow was so bad at the point that we had to put Stucki there. This decision was necessary, yet it killed us. It put Matt on the ball and out of scoring opportunities where he been so effective up to that point. It also tired him out and he stuggled shooting down the stretch. So last night we went with Baldwin for 16 minutes. He's hard for me to watch because he's a basic zero offensively, but at least he allows Matt and Amorrow to be off the ball. Recruiting a "true" point guard has to be a must for the off-season.

I've been very supportive of the coaching staff all season, and I will continue to be so. However, the recent substitution pattern has been somewhat mind-boggling. I don't think I've ever seen a player start a game and play 40 minutes, then 2 nights later against the same opponent not see the floor (Monroe). Maybe I would understand if we were playing a different opponent with a very different style, but it was the same team. Am I missing something here? Maybe there's something we don't know about.

One of the things that this team has hung its hat on is defense. I like that we switch all screens 1-4. However, Weber completely exploited that in the last 2 games. They would set ball screens with their 4 man, forcing a switch that was definitely in their favor. It was a great coaching move by Randy Rahe. Let's be honest, he's a really good coach. Funny how Bubb wouldn't even give him an interview.

Right now I think we'll end up 8-8 in conference and lose in the first round. I don't think our talent is overwhelming and the lack of a pg is a killer.

The biggest problem that I see is that we only have 2 scholarships to give and they are both spoken for (Rolando and Segert). This doesn't address our lack of a point guard. In my opinion, some guys have to go. You can't go into next season with 9 seniors. 2-3 need to be sent packing and we need to bring in players who will contribute. If we have guys who are not gonna play, let's not waste scholarships when we have glaring weaknesses.
I'd agree with a lot of what baller! says, not just cuz he's a friend but because he's been around the college game for a long time and understands the game well.. Us not having a PG is destroying any sort of offensive flow we could have.. I think Sherrod will be good, I just think he needed a RS. I don't think we need 7 footers who are slow, I'd rather go the way of the league and be guard-oriented will our bigs being in the 6-9 range but athletic. With all the deficiencies though, this team should still be sporting a better record. I think we finish 9-7 and in 3rd or 4th.. We really do need to send a few guys off so we can ecruit to our obvious needs..
I agree with both tuff and baller. Keep in mind it's hard to recruit when your in the last year of your contract. When Coach O is out recruiting he kind of has his hands tied behind his back since he is in the last year in his contract. Not a good situation for ISU Basketball Program... I am sure that the Athletic program wants to see how the rest of the year plays out to make a decision on O'Brien's future..
I've said it before but we have an awesome point guard playing football for ISU. We need to get him to play two sports....Kelvin Krosch. I was told he was recruited heavily by Weber to play basketball...Sounds like ISU basketball missed out on this young man.
You know BigOrange, it's obvious you're a friend/relative much like the Kal Bay posse, but I've got news for you, Krosch couldn't shine any guard on the current roster's shoes.. He was offered no scholly ANYWHERE for hoops, and is a marginal WR.. Leave it alone, already. He is not a D1 hoopster..
Tuffgong, sorry...did I hit a nerve or something? I personally do not even know Krosch but I am just an old fart that enjoys keeping up with local players and want more Idaho kids to play on Idaho teams!!!!I was replying to baller 1 re: the point guard position because he obviously knows his basketball. I am by no means an expert, but I do know you are wrong about Krosch being recruited for basketball because I am an avid follower of High School sports and I know him and Darryl Simons both were recruited heavily in basketball and they both chose football. Sele Key I know played both sports and I think it would be awesome for more Idaho kids to get on the basketball team. I heard Darryl Simons left the football program to play basketball in Oregon and I also wish he would have tried ISU basketball. And to make the comment "he's a marginal WR" how could you even tell with the amount of time he played. I think more Idaho kids deserve a chance and I am hoping more will get that chance.
I haven't seen Krosch play but I highly doubt that he is the best 6'5 point guard we have. That would mean that he is better than both Amorrow and Stucki. Sorry Gobig, he ain't the answer at the point. We need a smaller, very athletic point who can run the show. I've seen Krosch play football and I know that he's not the athlete that we need at that position.

I will always maintain that Matt Stucki and Nick Hansen are from a bygone era when Idaho Basketball was actually decent. I watch the game today and it's not the same. Whatever happened to the big guys like Jardine, Hansen, Stucki and Butler? They're all gone. When I watch Idaho HS basketball, it's almost a guards' game. I see all these little guys running around, but not much else. Also, I think the talent level has dropped off since 2004. All props to those kids for busting their asses, but IMO, it's just a different game than what it was. I think bball in Idaho used to be better a few years ago.

We don't need to recruit Idaho to be successful in basketball. Football? Yes, ISU has an advantage. We have a lot of the farm boys on our side of the state. We need to recruit a lil' more in SE Idaho.

But basketball? Come on, Gobigorange. Tuffgong is right, drop it already.
Sorry guys but you are missing my point...I by no means am saying he is better than Stucki or Amorrow.I had heard he wanted to play two sports when he first came to ISU and I respect baller 1 and he said we need a point guard! I watched Krosch play just a couple of times and I am telling you he could play Div 1 ball. I have a friend that lives in Ogden and I know Weber was recruiting him as point guard when he was in high school. As I stated earlier I am not an expert, just an old fart that has watched alot of high school sports and he is one of the best I have seen. I am just saying if he wanted to play I would hope he would receive a chance. As far as Superfan's post ...I know there are few Idaho players that can make it in basketball but there are a few. I'm sure Krosch is playing intra muraul ball at ISU so go watch him and then comment.

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