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Monday Night's Coach's Show


Active member
As usual...here's the info for contacting the Monday night Coach's show with questions. Athletic Director Jeff Tingey will be on the show instead of a player this week.

How to submit questions for the Coach's Show Monday night

-You can put them in this thread and I'll use them Monday night
-You can e-mail them to me at: [email protected]
-you can call the show and ask yourself 208-233-5734 (local calls), or 1-800-726-5734 (toll free)
Please include your first name and where you live. It's helpful to be able to say "John in Shelley has this question"...or something like that. However, you don't have to include first name...but as in letters to the editor in newspapers...preference goes to those who provide some identification. Hard questions are not discouraged, but we will not be using questions that bear any semblance to "personal attacks".

Besides being on KSEI (AM930) and KRXK (AM1230 in Rexburg), please note that you can listen to the show online through Stretch Internet through the http://www.isubengals.com site (courtesy of Dr. Michael Sutton at Cedar Hills Family Dentistry in Pocatello) , but if you listen online and decide to call the show, the audio you hear on your PC is substantially delayed (20 secs or more), so there can be problems trying to talk on phone and listen to radio. You can call and give your question to the engineer, who can pass it along.
votb - could you ask the following:

i heard that every student athlete on campus has transfered to the university of utah, is that true?

is tingley telling the truth when he denies question number 1?

how many elfs can dance on the head of a pin?

votb - please forgive my tongue in cheek 'questions' - they are of course meant in jest (thought i should clear that up for any conspiracy theorists who might read this)
I do not get off work until after 6pm, so I don't get to hear the coaches show live anymore. If anyone can listen and post a capsule answer to these questions--I would be grateful.

Questions for Mr. Tingey:

Much has been made about the lack of recruiting budget. Will Zamberlin get an increased recruiting budget over the next two years? With money games from Oklahoma and Arizona State, will the football program see any boost in funds.

Can you explain the dynamics of Coach Zamberlin's 2 year extension. Why did ISU go with a two year extension as opposed to a three year extension? Why was this extension not granted before the season, prior to recruiting being underway and why wait for an announcement until midway through the season?

What is being done by the athletic department, as it pertains to football--to increase team APR and player retention? Is anything being done differently than before?

How does ISU's overall football budget compare to others in the BSC?


Troy Briggs-Meridian ID
For Tingey:

Did you demand changes in the staff after the season in Coach Z's contract extension? (mostly on the offensive side of the ball)
For Coach Z,

It appears after watching several games that the players cannot win strength match ups with other teams. An example is watching our D-backs get handled easily by the other team's receivers on their version of the bubble screen, which go for good yardage, and conversely watching our receivers getting tossed out of the way and our bubble screens gaining little or no yards. A second example is the lack of sacks from our D-line. They get very little push against most of the other BSC teams.

Also, some of the player who have good frames to add weight to (e.g. Kelvin Krosch, Jaron Taylor) are still thin, even after several years in the program.

This seems to be a problem with the strength and conditioning program. I know the facilities are decent, so it must be the program. Any plans on improvement?

For Jeff tingey,

The turf at Holt arena is probably the single highest source of most of the injuries our team suffers. How long before we replace it with turf like NAU or other BSC team have?

Tony in Idaho Falls
bengalfun said:
This seems to be a problem with the strength and conditioning program. I know the facilities are decent, so it must be the program. Any plans on improvement?

Tony in Idaho Falls

Not a question for the coach or AD, but I think this part of the athletic program needs to be examined. I'm not sure if or how you can quantify it, but how much of the injuries could be attributed to the quality (excluding facilities) of the strength and conditioning program? I'm not saying there is a causal relationship between a student-athlete's injury risk and strength and conditioning, but the number of injuries this year seem to be unusually high compared to previous years. I could be (probably am) wrong, but if Z is going to evaluate the assets and liabilities of the entire football program and make necessary corrections to the program, I think the strength and conditioning program should be part of the evaluation process.
This may not be directly in the Coach's pervue, but you would think he had an active interest in his player's development. As I understand it, when a coach is recruiting, he looks for speed and frame. The frame is important, because you know that if it is the right type, you can add pounds of muscle to complement the speed. Speed can also be improved, but it helps to have innate speed/quickness to start of with.

A perfect example are the players we saw at Oklahoma. Those kids were all tall and lanky, perfect to add 20 to 30 pounds of muscle. Krosch is an example of that type of frame. However, without those pounds of muscle, those players are just high school kids that haven't developed. I would expect that the position coachs would have target weights that they want to see player's attain to achieve their maximum potential from the recruiting process. Look at Senegal and Rumble. Those guys should be able to add twenty pounds over the summer and be studs come next fall. Josh Hill is an example of that.

I don't see how the strength program isn't the AD's responsibility. Doesn't this department fall under him?
Krosch is 6'5" and they say weighs 221 so if you add 30 pounds to his frame he would probably move to TE which we do not need. Jaron is listed at 5'11" & 178 so I think putting weight on him could possibly slow him down. In reality Josh Hill should put on weight at the TE spot..6'5" 227...Sorry I know this was for the coaches show and this is just IMO.
Real good coaches show tonight. Good questions brought up by some of the posters here, and I was able to find out a lot of interesting info through what Jeff Tingey had to say. Bengal Village will eventually come into fruition, but it's going to take a lot of money. And if anyone has any extra disposable income laying around, then you're welcome to donate to the cause! Regardless of what some of the people here have said about Jeff, I think he's doing a really good job, and I could see him being here for some time. And being a Poky native I think he really likes being here! We need the stability of having an AD here for the long term. Jeff isn't afraid to pick up the phone and ask for donations from alums and boosters, whereas guys like Irv Cross and Howard Gauthier wouldn't raise any money.
Can anyone tell me if Mr. Tingey had a chance to answer any of the questions that I submitted? I did nit get home until close to 7pm. Thank you.
bengalcub said:
Can anyone tell me if Mr. Tingey had a chance to answer any of the questions that I submitted? I did nit get home until close to 7pm. Thank you.

Cub...you're questions were good and I think I asked each one of them. He also responded to each point, but rather than me innacurately trying to paraphrase what he said, I suggest you listen to the show once it's archived, which should be by tomorrow sometime, if I'm not mistaken. I did not bring up the APR issue because Brad brings it up later during the interview when he asks about the grade snafu activity that took players out of practice last week.
I tried to summarize, at a very high level, Jeff Tingey's comments on our coaches' show last night on the Bengal Blog:


I can't vouch for 100 percent accuracy, so I'd encourage you all to listen to the show in its entirety when it's archived on the ISU web site. Both Jeff and John Zamberlin provided a lot of insight into the challenges of the athletic program. They also provided me, at least, with a lot of hope. Over the next year, they are anticipating: an upgraded weight room facility, a new softball field and a new football practice field.

Finally, and most importantly, Jeff and John updated us on Andrew Benavides' status. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Andy, and your family.
Votb...how do I listen to the archive?

GBO...go to the ISU athletics website (isubengals.com), and click on the STRETCH Internet link down on the right-hand side of the page (it says LISTEN LIVE and has a graphic of a microphone). After the page loads, right underneath the three icons near the top is a sentence that says "Click here to listen to archived broadcasts." Just click and it will momentarily take you to the archives page. The coach's show has not been loaded yet, but is at the top of the list.

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