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MSU New Athletic Website


Active member
When is ISU going to get with the program and the other 250 FCS and FBS schools that have legitimate athletic websites? Ours looks like it was made in about a half an hour...there are still people on some teams rosters that graduated last year!!! How about a black background instead of plain old white? More people look at the website than people may think...it can make an athletic program look good or it can make it look sloppy! Attention to detail!

Here is the article on MSU's new website:

I've been saying that for over a year now.
Some people don't think this makes a difference, but I do.
MSU's website was horrible, they obviously get it.
Why we don't is beyond me.
I mean the new countdown clock is nice but, come on build it.
With the technology that is available to us this should be a 'no brainer'.
Because we are in a multiyear contract that runs out in the summer of 2011....and it is not cost effective at this point to make a major change within the company due to their spiraling costs. We know the direction we want to go with, but we have to deal with the length of the contract. Most of the other competitors came out with their newer product lines right as we were in negotiations, or right after we signed, so we were as unlucky as you could be with it. Switching within our current company is really expensive, as they are trying to cater to their more higher-end clients.

Hope that makes sense.

Oh, as for rosters, they get updated as media guides get updated. It would be awesome to be like Montana State and hire a person to only handle the website (or like Montana, or Eastern Washington, etc., etc.) but it just gets added to our stuff here. Also, we can only update rosters as we get informed of changes and things.

SID, couldnt we find a student that is in some sort of Tech/Web Design program at ISU that would be willing to do it? Maybe for a slight discount of tuition? It would look good on a resume you'd think...but if they company we are with right now wont allow it I guess we cant do much?
exactly, the companies that folks use, MSU included use templates. One of the things we are looking to when we look for a new site (and I believe really like the folks that do the Big Sky site and some of their brethren), is to be able to better incorporate video, audio, flash, and things like that...right now we have no avenue for it, unless we pay out the ying-yang.

At that point, we can look into having folks in the tech areas help us out. Good and valid questions and queries....

booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...... YOU SUCK!!!! How hard is it to at least center the ATHLETIC PAGE? Wouldn't that look better? ARE YOU TELLING ME YOUR CONTRACT SAYS: ISU, YOU MUST HAVE THE WORST WEB PAGE IN THE BSC????? YES, WELL...................SMBC.
biobengal said:
booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...... YOU SUCK!!!! How hard is it to at least center the ATHLETIC PAGE? Wouldn't that look better? ARE YOU TELLING ME YOUR CONTRACT SAYS: ISU, YOU MUST HAVE THE WORST WEB PAGE IN THE BSC????? YES, WELL...................SMBC.

EASY BIO, don't go off the deep end on us. :? :? :?
...how about we all agree to not post a comment like that, again...emotions get the best of us at times, but lets not continue down this road.

This is a friendly sideline warning.
I have to agree that the athletics website needs an overhaul. If finances are the issue, then so be it and let the problem get worked at the opportune time. I don't have an issue with the overall layout as long as I can find good data.
My gripe is about inaccuracies and the lack of updated information. One specific example is the link on the football page where the "2009 stats" are available - under the countdown clock. The last game stats available (VIA THE LINK to the Box Score) are for the October 3 game. Nothing for the past two games. Today is October 24. That's ridiculous. :o I can find the stats but not with the link that's provided for every other game. Just a detail.
Someone should go through the page and see if ALL the links provide accurate and current information. If it's a huge problem to update or overhaul it then remove it. If I can find it, someone in the program sure should be able to. (Check the link to the Bengal Fest too - is that sponsor list accurate? Haven't seen some of those at Bengal Fest last year and definitely not this year.)
Little things can be done to improve the webpage and it will help sell ISU athletics to prospective supporters, fans, and recruits.

Obviously they were updated right after the game and there is a glitch somewhere on my end....something a quick email by anyone to alert me and it could get fixed. I wouldn't call that a lack of information, but a mistake I didn't realize. I have always been known as someone who gets stuff on the internet, especially stats, faster than anyone...so honestly, I can deal with that...biobengal is totally out of line though, and I appreciate Cub stepping in.

EDIT*** By the way, it was as simple as when I switched over to the other computer, I didn't regenerate the html box score to attach to that page...I'm doing it now..

SID, I’m terribly sorry, I’ve been a complete message board asshole.
I’ve lost perspective and I wish nothing but the best for all of you.
Good luck.
isusid: as I said on another thread: good job on getting the info out there on the NAU game and getting those links working! Now if only you could program what goes on out on the gridiron! :mrgreen:
Honestly you could pay a web design student 100 dollars and make a great site. Or you can pay a company hundreds of dollars for a template.

Not sure how your contract works but web hosting costs next to nothing and I don't understand why ISU doesn't host it themselves but WSU is just as stupid.

They pay someone else to do it while they host everything else but athletics lol.

You can pay godaddy.com $3 a month to host a site for you for a 3 year contract.
Go Daddy doesn't host the site....and the template is necessary because of the sheer volume of information that goes up on the site. CSTV's costs went through the roof on the last contract, and once this contract ends in 2011, I will not only be able to have a fresh new site, but we will be able to do more things, and really try to cater some things with the fans as well....get more input. Last time it was pretty much me.

As I was wandering through the website, I noticed that the strength and conditioning pages are different from the rest of the site. Why is this? It is part of the dept., why doesn't it have the same template as the rest?
It's one of the problems with the group we are with in that they have no good way to house something like that and make it look nice for things like sports medicine, or training room, or strength and conditioning, or facilites, and sports information. Mark's friend made that for him, and since it will hardly change, we went with it. He didn't have the bandwidth for lots of stuff, but he could handle that one.


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