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NCAA Tourney Gear?

Put me on the list for a t-shirt. Tried to get one last night after the game, but they didn't have the right one. Looking for the one PSU was selling at the last game at the Stott Center.
forestgreen said:
Put me on the list for a t-shirt. Tried to get one last night after the game, but they didn't have the right one. Looking for the one PSU was selling at the last game at the Stott Center.

I asked about those last night and was told that those were ordered special for the Athletic Department and there probably wouldn't be anymore. Bummer since I really wanted one... :-\
I knew I should have bought one of those then, but I thought how about if it's like 2005, do I really want a t-shirt. You snooze, you lose!
Ya. I didn't want to buy one at the EWU game, as I was sure it was bad luck....too many memories of 2005 still fresh in my mind........but there all wiped away now !!!

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