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New Arena


Active member
Is there any talk about a new arena for our basketball teams? I read that Sac St is getting a new arena, thus leaving us with the worst arena in the Big Sky. We need a new arena.
Rumor has it that once the PCAT building is leveled and the new Student Rec Center is built in it's place, the new arena or augmentation to the existing arena will begin.
Did some searching around and found these articles in the Vanguard.

Renovations coming to Stott Center


Funding Approved for Rec Center


These are the articles that came up after searching for PCAT.


The most interesting thing is that Rec Center passed in 2004. It took until 2007 for anything to be done on the PCAT.
ManOfVision said:
Has anyone heard the new AD address this issue? In my mind it is one of the biggest issues for the athletics department.

It is one of the biggest issues for the athletics department. I hope the AD is strategically putting a plan together that will get a new arena built. It should be built on the Wells Fargo lot east of the Ondine between 4th and 5th Avenues. PSU can acquire that lot. It is in the area marked for University growth by the City. The Portland Development Commission should be a partner and part of the funding can come from hotel taxes since they would directly benefit from an arena.
Before talking about the location of the arena, the arena has to be mentioned as a priority for the athletic department and more importantly, the school. If the president doesn't consider an arena a priority, then it's a waste of time talking about it.

I would hope our new AD, realizes the arena is a huge, overdue priority and they should start working on finding ways to fund the building of a new arena.
VikThunder said:
ManOfVision said:
Has anyone heard the new AD address this issue? In my mind it is one of the biggest issues for the athletics department.

It is one of the biggest issues for the athletics department. I hope the AD is strategically putting a plan together that will get a new arena built. It should be built on the Wells Fargo lot east of the Ondine between 4th and 5th Avenues. PSU can acquire that lot. It is in the area marked for University growth by the City. The Portland Development Commission should be a partner and part of the funding can come from hotel taxes since they would directly benefit from an arena.

You mentioned the Wells Fargo lot. I don't remember exactly which property, but I recently read about a private condo tower going up on one of the blocks in that area. If that is the block, then that's one less potential arena site. I was sad to hear about this development because PSU should really put that land to university use, even if it isn't for an arena.
Where are the Vikings gonna play now that the current facility is water damaged and is this a good thing since the place needs to be replaced anyway?
weberwildcat said:
Where are the Vikings gonna play now that the current facility is water damaged and is this a good thing since the place needs to be replaced anyway?

We'll play at the Stott Center tomorrow. Damage wasn't as bad as first thought.
weberwildcat said:
Where are the Vikings gonna play now that the current facility is water damaged and is this a good thing since the place needs to be replaced anyway?

Oh, and welcome to our board. :-)
martymoose said:
weberwildcat said:
Where are the Vikings gonna play now that the current facility is water damaged and is this a good thing since the place needs to be replaced anyway?

Oh, and welcome to our board. :-)

Thanks! and may our teams go for the all divisions total points record in hoops as we did in football!!! lol
weberwildcat said:
martymoose said:
weberwildcat said:
Where are the Vikings gonna play now that the current facility is water damaged and is this a good thing since the place needs to be replaced anyway?

Oh, and welcome to our board. :-)

Thanks! and may our teams go for the all divisions total points record in hoops as we did in football!!! lol

PSU / Weber had some great bball matchups last year. Look forward to some more this year too. Quit hogging the Big Sky Championships! How about letting us have this year's!
Kadeezy said:
In 2004, we were told that this project (event center) would be complete by 07-08... Haven't even picked an architect... Click around and check out some of the projects that are underway/finished...


In other words, there's not enough funding... or the funding you have is tied up by the state or the school or who knows what.

I know a Sac fan on a board I rarely visit anymore (another victim of the work firewall + a victim of my Neanderthal home computer) who was absolutely insistent that this would be done and they'd have a WAC invitation by now. I'm not sure the lack of funding doesn't indicate a lack of support.

At least you're not alone along the Causeway. I remember how grandiose the new UC Davis football stadium was supposed to be. Seems both of you (not to mention PSU) have trouble with money somehow.
Having worked in the Legislature two years ago I can tell you that PSU's political power is growing now that it is the largest university in the state. I think it'll only be a matter of time before this happens.
skywaker9 said:
Having worked in the Legislature two years ago I can tell you that PSU's political power is growing now that it is the largest university in the state. I think it'll only be a matter of time before this happens.

I've had similar experience and agree that influence is growing. The rate of growth is just very, very slow. Even with that, though, it won't happen by itself. PSU has to ask the legislature for help, and the internal willingness to think big might be growing even slower than PSU's influence in the state government.

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