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New Lockers


Active member
There is currently a fundraising drive underway to obtain new wooden lockers for our football team, at a price of $500 each. And the price of all-conference lockers are $1000 each, of which Jared Allen has purchased one of these. Thus far the drive has been targeted mostly at former football players at ISU, but anyone may purchase one. If a football player purchases one, then a small plaque is included on the locker with the player's name, position they played, and years they played at ISU. i just sent off my $500 a few weeks ago for a worthy cause, and I challenge you posters here to do the same. Contact the Bengal Foundation. So far at least half of them have been purchased, be we still have a ways to go. After we get these purchased, then we still need to raise some money for carpeting and new showers, but we'll get it done. Several months ago, Kellis Robinett of the Journal just gave ISU hell because of inadequate lockers and showers. But we're about ready to get some brand spanking new lockers that we all can be proud of.
in the words of one Allen Iverson......."we talkin' about lockers."

seriously................ones that we can all be proud of?? Tell Kellis Robinett to stuff it. it's a damn locker. i would rather put my money toward an actual "cause".
i have to agree. this is a good idea? the whole building is on the verge of being condemed/falling down and folks are supposed to fork over $500 for 'wood' lockers we (who exactly is we? the donor or the kid who hangs up his sweaty equipment in it or...?) can be proud of? who the hell is proud of a locker? then they get tore out if and when the building gets fixed... this makes little or no sense..

oh and let me say 'WOW'! jared allen saw fit do fork over $1000 for an 'all conference locker' - first, what the hell is the difference between the two? second, who the hell cares. third, nice of jared to toss his walking around money in the pot....
Oh quit being so terribly negative! Here ISU's bringing in some very nice things for the player's benefit and it's a nice recruiting tool, and you're saying 'don't do it?" This is the just the beginning of some very, very nice additions to Bengal Village, which will come into fruition. It's very mandatory that we greatly improve our facilities and bring in other much needed equipment and other things, in order to bring in the quality recruits we need in order to field some winning teams. And you're too dumb to even realize it. Sure, the dome's not up to code, but they'll bring in some money to bring it up to code so we can use it a while longer. Man, you Pocatello people really make me sick, because you're all such cheapskates you don't want to spend money on anything for the public benefit. And you're too selfish. Numerous times, you've failed to pass bonds for the improvement of facilities, schools, swimming pools and libraries, because of your cheapskate attitudes. And if you fail to pass the proposed supplemental levy for the schools, this is the last straw! I've just had it with you guys, and I live in this town. If you don't want to contribute, then fine you don't have to. Nobody's twisting your arm. But don't sit and complain when many others wish to contribute for a very worthy cause for the betterment of the athletic department, and it's a very nice recruiting tool. Whether you like it or not, the job will get done.
sometimes a person reveals their true nature in what they do, say or write. if you want to spend your own money on something - go right ahead. don't look for validation from others. the university is likely on the verge of cutting the program and you get your panties in an uproar over 'wood' lockers..... i wasn't complaining - simply giving my perspective. complaining is more like calling people who disagree 'dumb, cheapskates, selfish, etc'. you are free to spend your money on anything you want.
please try not to get your dress all messed up when you post something on the internet and someone disagrees with you and then badmouth the same people and town you seem to be asking to donate money for those 'very mandatory' wood lockers. might be a better idea to lead by example
Spartan, I think I do try to lead by example. I said that I already spent $500 on a locker, and I never played football for ISU. I think this is something that doesn't cost that much money for an individual, which is a very good recruiting tool, because first impressions mean everything to recruits. Sorry for my outbursts, sometimes I get carried away and I'll attempt to not name call again. But if you think we're on the verge of dropping football, it's not going to happen. I don't know where some of these rumors start, but it's not true. I've talked with officials in the athletic dept. and in academics, and they all know how important athletics are to the university. And our president is very pro-athletics, something which Bowen wasn't. And as long as Vailas continues to be our president then we'll continue to field football teams. It would be silly to spend money on things like new lockers, a proposed new practice field which we've got most of the money for, and eventually a new artificial turf -- and then just turn around and drop football. If you want to sit down and talk with guys like Frank, Jeff or Kent Tingey about it, then they'll be glad to talk with you about it. But no, we're not dropping football anytime soon.
Spartan, Saying we are on the verge of cutting the program isn't a smart thing to say, since it's obviously not true. Our locker room is one of the tangible things that can be done almost immediately, and the fact that many former Bengals and fans have stepped up to the plate and realized this is fantastic.

It's funny, in a world where it matters to kids what they drive, and what they wear (trust me, I have an 18-year old and a 21-year old), I'm amazed that you don't think a locker room, a place where an athlete will spend a lot of time, would have anything to do with a person's perception of things. If all things were equal, a nicer locker room could definitely sway someone, especially when you consider that the lockers in the football locker room are I believe the same ones from when it was built (they look similar to those old photos I've seen).

If you don't want to contribute, absolutely you prerogative, but you should bash the thought of fixing up the locker room. The academic areas have been improved tremendously in the last five years as far as equipment, study space, computers, and resources, and now the locker room is another area that can be turned around in short order.

According to John Newly, things like the appearance of the locker room matter a great deal to recruits. In fact, that was one of the reasons he made the "step up" from ISU to the University of Idaho. Facilities matter according to Newly.
Herein lies the problem with fundraising. It's quite easy to get somebody's interest when talking about a NEW arena, new practice fields, or even new turf. When you talk about some of the things which are needed, but not necessarily flashy in the eyes of most, interest falls off. When Pocatello and Chubbuck tried to pass the levy to fund improvements for Holt, a big reason why is because it's less easy to get funding for things like bathroom improvements, locker room improvements, HVAC improvements, and structural improvements.

New lockers are part of the overall locker room renovations. ISU is approaching this in an excellent way. Rather than wait for one large amount to renovate the locker rooms, why not reach out the way they are? It helps create a link and a bond with donors, specifically former athletes, which helps build for the future. Whether you like Jared Allen or not, ridiculing the guy for actually stepping up and donating seems shallow to me. I'm sure ISU appreciates this donation, as well as everything he has donated in the past (and will in the future).

I agree with others. This particular area of the fundraising may not mean as much to you as other areas do. Fine. Donate to those areas which you deem more important. Don't tear down other areas which are desperately needed as well. Just because there is a fundraising effort for the locker room doesn't mean this is the ONLY area which is being focused on. It's one of many. If you buy a fixer-upper, car or house, and you don't have the money to fix it all at once, what do you? You fix various parts until eventually, the entire thing is done.

Go Bengals!
I don't get all the ribbing that is going on over this.

These lockers will be "eye candy" and useful to recruiting. Everyone knows that Holt Arena has larger issues and most people know that those issues won't be getting resolved anytime soon. But, things like this are doable things that fans and supporters can help ISU get done sooner rather than later.

Bashing these types of things is pretty sad. Think about it for a second.
Cub's right. ISU's finally getting out of the Dark Ages concerning our facilities and infrastructure and getting some nice things for our athletes.
And before folks get on Jared, everyone seemed to like those nice spiffy new uniforms that he so generously made sure we had ... think 100 home and away sets of those were cheap? That was a major investment ...


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