I think a better home schedule with more home games is a must, but until Weber has more $$$ and committed fans, thats not going to happen. I think a few necessary things have to happen to help get more butts in the seats:
1. Create a better atompshere for College basketball at the Dee.
I think the administration is trying to do this with the Jumbo-tron retro-fit which is suppose to happen this summer, however, there are a number of other things that have to happen to improve the atmosphere.
A. Cheerleaders: I liked how the Cheerleaders had the W-S-U flags for the championship and lead the team out onto the floor. Why not do that for every home game? Along with the Cheerleaders have some type of Growl noise to welcome the team onto the floor and excite the fans (Weber did this in 90s).
B. MUSIC: There has got to be better music at the start of the games and during time-outs. Music at the start of half-time is a must. And A bigger/better band that is closer to the floor. It was kinda embarrassing that UNC's band was much louder than Weber's and was half its size.
C. Mascot: Weber needs a mascot who is going to be doing crazy things on the sidelines getting the crowd into the game, actually around at the end of the games. Someone who gets the crowd excited. Weber use to bring the ball in from the roof (funny how USU has copied a lot of the things Weber use to do) with the ROTC.
D. I'd love to see the spotlights used during intros...maybe some fireworks...Who knows.
E. The half-time shows were better, still there is room for improvement. Better games/promotionals during time-outs.
G. Retire a couple jerseys or numbers. Recognize and bring back former players, coaches, and teams. Get a trophy case that shows the tradition, legacy, and history of Weber State basektball that takes up more floor space. Those cabinents at the Dee just don't work.
2. Students
Its far more important that the Student Body attends the games than the community. The university depends on the student body to become lifelong fans and supporters of Weber State, and it all starts when they are at the institution attending classes. The PPAK has done some things well, but aren't consistent, organized, or determined. WSUSA is an absolute JOKE. There should be some type of huge sign on campus telling students when the football and basketball home games are. Music the week before or the day of games, flyers on cars and being handed out, promotions, tailgates, carnivals, traditions. The student athletes also need to be seen on campus more often. Pep rallies, bon-fires, dances/parties after the games. Having info delivered to the doorms in the classrooms. Have purple outs once in a while where the students get free shirts provided by the institution and area sponsors. MAKE WEBER A TRADITIONAL CAMPUS: i.e. promote tradition.
A. For student attendance to improve above 1000...better student leadership is needed. Leaders who will be accountable and determined. Better organization and cooperation amongst student organizations. Yes, there is PPAK, SAA, WSUSA, SAC, and others (notebly the Greeks that are virtually extinguished) but none of them really work together towards a common goal. The only times they get together to talk about things its usually to late or poorly organized. The meeting at Ligoris was worse than a Joke. There was no reason why the student body shouldn't have known what was going on for the Tourny!! Two WEEKS...and nothing. Text messages, emails, facebook, twitter, and the abovementioned tools weren't even utilized. When you actually do some work and push the message, getting a lot of the various student organizations involved, great things happen.
3. Community:
More efficient ticket office, with better customer service. Marketing campaigns: bus wraps, posters throughout the entire community and out at least a month before the season begins, billboards, radio/tv ads, promotions through area businesses and municipalities, newspapers, institutional communications (alumni newsletter, magazine, etc), Go to area festivals, carnivals, fairs, programs, sporting events, pushing the message. Be involved in the community. The more involved the athletes and the department are in the community the more involved the community will become. The football team that saved Wildcat football is a great example of this theory. People went to the games, because they had met and liked the players and wanted to support certain people. Friends will support their friends.
4. Organization
The university needs more passion, excitment, a better attitude, which will change the negative perception of the student body, community, and alumni.