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Offensive Line


Active member
Once again the thread has proven its point for those on the offensive line who reads the thread. Yesterday, the offensive line to practice to heart. If Boise state was here we would have won by 10. You have to give credit when credit is due. But for the offensive line you have to play like this all the time to be a champ. They did prove a point last night. I feel they changed the blocking scheme for one night to punish the d-line, and punish they did. The d-line new they were in a war. The score is defensive 1 offensive 1. Tie breaker tonight. If there is anybody left…Hurry Boise before we lose our intensity.

“Be The Best”
Good to hear that D.M.
I will be up for Friday's practice and the scrimmage Saturday, so I look forward to seeing the team in action.
I'm gonna stand behind my assessment of the entire O-line going to be the strength of the team.
They are capable, no doubt about it.
Maybe they were a little fed up about all the talk about the D-line getting the best of them for the last few days??? Doubt it.
Anyhow, the guys up front are gonna get 'er done.
Intensity won't be lost, coaches should assure that.
I would bet our guys really getting tired of beating each other up and want to take it out on another team.
18 days..........
The Bengal Offensive Line is good... but not at the D-1A level. There will be many, many sacks by the Boise Ends caused by their speed and athleticism vs ISU Offensive Tackles.

I expect 6-8 holding calls on the ISU OL as well as guys who get beat try to keep the defenders out of the backfield.
This is one thing that Boise State does not lack in. When I was watching the defensive workout, let’s just say I saw more intensity from 8 year olds.(Have you been watching) But I guess ISU is just another door mat for them is the reason why there not trying very hard.
Here are some of the statements I heard when I was there from the players,
“It’s just ISU”
“We can swap players around and still win by 50”
“What a way to start a season”
Need I say more, I would say if Boise doesn’t win by 50 or more I would call this a loss for them? Just remember anybody can win on any given day. If nothing else happens they will make a statement. Like I said before ISU will be one n one after two. Could it be Boise with their overconfident?

“Be The Best
ISU fans said exactly the same things in 2004 before the game.
Weber fans said exactly the same things last season.

Yes, anyone can win on a given day, but Northern Iowa has more chance of beating BYU than ISU does of defeating Boise State at home.

You sound like we can have a smooth conversation here. By chance…….. Say………We do win… (By accident of course), cause we are 50 point underdog going into this game. I can’t see anyone making statements especially after not seeing each other for two years... I’m glad we both have the same players and coaches we had back then or this would be a boring game. Will we win? Doubt does enter my mind because you’re BOISE STATE. But because anyone can win on any given day, how will you take it if you do (by chance) lose this game? Will you cry foul?...Maybe the ref’s beat us…We had too many turn over’s. Or will you say good game, you beat us. No….you won’t… it’s not in you. You will use one of 300 excuses, or make up a new one………

"Be The Best"
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of talking to a few Bronco players while they were at lunch at an All-U-Can-Eat sushi joint in Boise.

Naturally, we spoke about the ISU Boise State game. I can tell you now that they respect ISU as an opponent and all of there opponents for that matter. As one told me--if we come out flat against Idaho State anything can happen. They do believe that they will dominate Idaho State--but they believe that they will dominate everyone if they play up to their capabilities. The impression that I got from them is that it is difficult for any lower division team to compete with upper division teams simply because of the lack of depth and numbers--that in turn creates a major tilt in the balance of talent. They also said on offense that Eddie Thompson is a legitimate WAC level WR.

Basically, they are using the ISU game as a stepping stone--week by week. They expect to play a ton of players and they expect to be pretty vanilla in play calling as to not tip off future opponents. They expect to have some learning curves with an offensive unit that will be breaking in a new QB and an almost branch new O-Line, but they are confident that they will get better and better each week. They also expect ISU to bring a ton of pressure from a variety of different positions on the defensive side of the ball. While they know they can pass--they are confident that they can run the ball at will against the Bengals. They also expect ISU to slow the tempo of the game and really attempt to run the ball.

I have found Bronco fans to be respectable to ISU. I also seem to find that most Bronco fans have a soft spot for ISU. Even if they think they will kick ISU's ass in the season opener. BSU fans believe that they can beat anyone that they play--an arrogance that comes with winning. We as ISU fans would be the same if we were spoiled by a consistent winner. I think Zamberlin will move the Bengals in that direction very soon.
Cub I would guess your statements are pretty acurate. Boise does have a soft spot for ISU, which is why I wonder about the hate that sometimes flows from Pocatello back to the Treasure Valley. BSU is my number one because I went there, but I have season tickets to ISU and like them very much as well. This game is a hard one for me...
I think you may have a point there, QB. I know plenty of BSU fans here in the Treasure Valley that don't really have a lot of negative things to say about ISU. And people on their message board for the most part, really don't have a lot of bad things to say. Whereas on the Idaho message, it seems like the posters there don't have anything good to say about ISU at all. I think they'd just like to see ISU go away.
Lot's of great comments ISU fans. D.M. you have some spunk, a tad over the top but that's what fans are for.

Truth is, even when we were big rivals (dang-blasted "globe of death"!) it was more of one like ours now with Fresno where there was respect. I don't think you'll find many, if any, BSU fans who don't also want ISU to do well.

I think the O-line at ISU will be MUCH improved this year. Hard not to be. But also because of new talent. Mitch Rudder is a fantastic kid from a great family. He'll be a gamer. But the reality is that BSU will dominate the lines. Nothing against ISU but heck we did that to Oklahoma for crying out loud; we have some majo dudes in the trenches. And with the depth we have at RB, the best we have EVER had and frankly one of the best in D1A this year, I would be stunned if we don't run like crazy on ya.

Again, there is a difference between over-confidence and just plain lot's of confidence. The second one comes with work ethic, preparation, and respect. There is a serious reason that BSU has only lost ONCE to the underdog in the last (as I recall) 10 years. And sad to say for ISU that one time was last year in Hawaii in the bowl game. Last game of the year. Believe me, they are motivated to erase that one and you are next in line so I wouldn't count on them not being ready to play ISU. And it has nothing to do with ISU specifically, or a lack of respect, our team wins a lot because they prepare and believe like that against everyone they play.

But after that game I'm counting on you guys to whip those hate mongering pathetic Vandals!! Seriously, I think you can. And I really hope you have a great season the rest of the way. Best of luck!
Boise State has a great football program. I will be at ISU for the next four years. I hope to see this program grow to the status of a Boise State. This first game for us will let us all know where we all stand. If we keep it close, fewer than 20 or better, the game will be a success. But on the other hand if you win by less, you will be in for a long season. It’ an honor to play you guys first.
When I played for Texas AM, we were always the hated team, or respected. which ever word you choose. But seriously if this program is to grow, the fans have to be behind them. It was awesome to look up at the stadium and see a packed house knowing that we were 30 point dogs. And then lose by 45. And not a fan has left the house. They stand up and give us a standing o as we walked off the field. Knowing that we laid it all on the field. The fans appreciate that. I have been a member of the 12th man for 20 years. I proudly have the sticker on my window. This is the tradition I would like ISU to pick up. They have a good start, but they need to stick with their team. (Good or Bad)
So for ISU, “go get em”,…… and for Boise. Have a great game…….

“Be the Best”
That's a great attitude D.M. I hope you guys drum something up over there and get that place going again. No reason ISU can't be the thorn in Montana's side IMHO.
D.M. said:

You sound like we can have a smooth conversation here. By chance…….. Say………We do win… (By accident of course), cause we are 50 point underdog going into this game. I can’t see anyone making statements especially after not seeing each other for two years... I’m glad we both have the same players and coaches we had back then or this would be a boring game. Will we win? Doubt does enter my mind because you’re BOISE STATE. But because anyone can win on any given day, how will you take it if you do (by chance) lose this game? Will you cry foul?...Maybe the ref’s beat us…We had too many turn over’s. Or will you say good game, you beat us. No….you won’t… it’s not in you. You will use one of 300 excuses, or make up a new one………

"Be The Best"

Sorry for the delayed response.

If ISU were to somehow beat the Broncos in this game, using whatever alignment of the planets, player biorhythms and Boise simply self-destructs in the process, I would be embarassed for my team, but I would give credit to ISU where it's due.

It's the way the game works. I remember the Globe of Death game... we had that won, and that play snatched our hearts right out of our chests, still beating. It can happen, it just isn't very likely to happen.

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