I agree. No personal animosity towards the guy; hope he gets it figured out and gets back on the rise. That said, I really didn't like all the stuff that went down when he left Eastern. He got caught involved in shenanigans and tried to lay the blame at Eastern's feet. Pretty cheeseball way out, IMO.
Unfortunately, WSU was a mess and he had to shoulder a lot of that blame. You could argue both sides of the coin that it was, indeed, mostly his fault or the situation was such a mess that he was doomed to fail. And after that, his last few jobs haven't given him much to stand on.
Still, when everything else goes out the window, he was a solid OL coach. If I were him, I'd try to work my way up to being an NFL line coach. I think that would in his wheelhouse and be a good paying job where he could be very successful.