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Player Nicknames


Active member
Some are established, some to be determined. Any suggestions for those who don't have one yet?


Scott Morrison (Scotty); Deonte Huff (Tay); Dupree Lucas (Pree); JR Moore (); Brian Curtis ();


Jeremiah Dominguez (); Jamie Jones (); Andre Murray (); Mickey Polis (); Dominic Waters ();


Kyle Coston (Kibosh); Alex Tiefenthaler (Tief); Tyrell Mara (); Phil Nelson (); Julius Thomas ();


Justynn Hammond ();
Seniors: Dupree Lucas (Cool Hand Luke); JR Moore (Double Tree); Brian Curtis (Lion);

Juniors: Jeremiah Dominguez (Net Prophet); Jamie Jones (J.J.); Andre Murray (the Seal); Mickey Polis (Mickeyopolis); Dominic Waters (Dominator);

Sophomores: Tyrell Mara (Red Bone Mara); Phil Nelson (Full Nelson); Julius Thomas (Julius Taser);

Freshmen: Justynn Hammond (Justynn Time, Time-in);
WiViking said:
Tom Hewitt was calling Dominguez "the gnat."
Where did you come up with Lion, Taser, Red Bone?

I noticed 'the gnat' as well from Hewitt. Not sure I like that. 'JD' has a nice ring. ;-)
I don't know if Tom Hewitt calling Dominguez "the Gnat" is good for his self-image. He's great at steals so maybe "the Pickpocket" would be better. Kind of reminds me of Larry Sellers calling our diminutive half-back of yore "the Smurf"---BTW, who was that half-back? It really comes down to what nickname the player believes would actually best benefit his self-image as a team player. Self-image and team-building.

Rationale: Lion rhymes with Brian; Julius Taser is kind of like Julius Caesar with an added shock value; Mara is kind of like marrow as in bone marrow, where red blood cell are formulated. Coming up with good names is a challenge.

These names are initial suggestions to get the nickname ideas rolling. Each are subject to revision til acceptance comes.
Of course. How could I forget Curtis Delgardo? Here's a real challenge. For 25 points: Do you recall the back who preceded Curtis D.? I believe the one who followed him was Steve Papin. My Viking History is a bit foggy.
I think you're right about Papin being after 'the smurf'.

Prior to him, I'm drawing a blank. I'd need help from the Internet to dig that one up. ;-)
I see when our basketball players had nicknames, it seemed to help in gelling the team to gel into a unit. I suppose it is because nicknames tend to instill some affection between players which would take their communication and awareness of one another to a deeper level. In the days of Jeremiah Dominguez and Scott Morrison, for example, they all had nicknames. I think this is something that needs to be encouraged every year by the MBBall coaching staff. It doesn't hurt anything and it can benefit relationships even after their college days.

Because they are all subjective and need to be fitting, they are always subject to being upgraded until they became stable within the team. Someone needs to get the ball rolling with an intial set of nicknames that can always be accepted or upgraded, simplified or tweeked until each player is bestowed with their own nickname that, hopefully, will carry fond memories and meaning throughout their playing days and beyond. What ought to be an organic process sometimes need to be jump-started to move things along. They also instill a bit of humor and so humanize the players a bit more. These names are just to ball rolling.

Initial suggestions for this years team:

Seniors: Lamont Prosser ("Promo"), Kyle Richardson ("Kitch"), Alyx Foster ("Flix"), Aaron Moore ("Air"), Marcus Hall ("Forum");

Juniors: Brandon Cataldo ("Brando"), Tiegbe Bamba ("Bam!"), Tim Douglas ("Tugg"), Jacob Begin ("Jayge"), Sebastian Suarez ("Sua-ZAY"), Joel King ("KhanJay"), DaShaun Wiggins ("Shwiggins"), Kyler Shula ("Shuquoola"), Gary Winston ("Lotto"), Andre Winston, Jr. ("Win-Win");

Freshmen: Zach Gengler ("Genz"), Kyle Benton ("Benz")
My suggestions for this years team:

Seniors: Lamont Prosser ("Sleepy"), Kyle Richardson ("Cali Cal"), Aaron Moore ("Thin Man"), Marcus Hall ("Chops");

Juniors: Brandon Cataldo ("B-Cat"), Tim Douglas ("TD"), Jacob Begin ("JayBee"), Sebastian Suarez ("Sua-ZAY"), DaShaun Wiggins ("Wiggle"), Kyler Shula ("Don"), Gary Winston ("G Win"), Andre Winston, Jr. ("Win-Win");

Freshmen: Zach Gengler ("Z"), Kyle Benton ("Benz")
So here it is the end of the regular season, two impressive wins. What nicknames were kept?

The only two I heard of were for (1) Cataldo => "Big Cat," and (2) Kyle Richardson => "KRich."

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