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Portland State at Oregon

As crappy as we played in the first half, it's relatively close.

Transition defense in the first half was terrible. Ball comes in at the top of the key, multiple guys converge, wide open threes. What were they, 7/10 in the first half from beyond the arch?
I came in early in the second half, and we sounded pretty good. Glad I didn't listen to the first half. Defense wasn't bad at all, though we let the window open a bit for Singler when we'd cut the lead to 9. Seems like a short pre-conference this year, and maybe that's just as well. Sounds like there are injuries to work through?
2nd half performance gives me some hope for the season. Even Prosser looked better. Cataldo, well that's another story. The best case scenario is for this team to continue to improve and position themselves in the top 6 in the BSC . Go Viks!
forestgreen said:
2nd half performance gives me some hope for the season.

I agree. After two lackluster performances and one of the worst first half of division 1 basketball, it was really nice to see us come out of the locker room like that.
forestgreen said:
The best case scenario is for this team to continue to improve and position themselves in the top 6 in the BSC .
Top six!?! My, my, such lofty goals. Are you sure you can really direct all that? A slippery slope of "improvement" while all others continue to improve? Heaven forbid there there be any undue pressure placed on you. Everyone knows a sinecure is better than a real job. But even from a sinecure position, you can still realize goals of greatness through dedicated stewardship for this, the Portland Public School university.

..........You had better get some ambition.............."Ah, mediocrity. It's like I'm already retired ."

C'mon, you private school dandies, get down in the trenches and fight for Portland State. Don't succumb to acting like a bunch of wet-nursed blue boys. Get tough. Take some calculated risks.

Let's break out of this cursed [p]ig s[t]y conference developmental league already. Up and over, over and out of it (like a great pole vaulter). You really want the great city of Portland to be categorized only among tertiary cities the size of Pocatello and Flagstaff? Like Jennifer Warnes and Joe Cocker sing out: Let's get Up Where We Belong. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFYtpTot7hQ


Use creative assets to Make Portland State Great! That is what it needs to be: To make up for all those years of unjust oppression; and it being in America's 23rd largest metro area. So, please, don't keep settling for obtuse mediocrity. It is a seductive failure. Rather make it a great university for your great & nifty city (the one without all the hurricanes). :lol:
I like these players. They're tough and are great when they are tough-minded, loose and disciplined -- like in the second half. They need to assert how good they are. They need to get to know each other, communicate with each other, rely on each other. Attend to each other and never tune out from one another. I saw the inner glow of tough inner-city street smarts in some of them. In this way, they outclassed the members of the team from EWE-gene.

Who is the floor leader? The emotional leader? Who's the Enforcer? Do they have nicknames? What are their nicknames? I swear, this Athletic Department has the shortest memory span I've ever seen, repeating errors of the past and not accumulating and standing on the shoulders of simple quality traditions we started, like the nicknames tradition under the Morrison-Dominguez Era. Are they with us or not? Maybe someone needs to re-awaken them.

Here are some creative nickname suggestions for this year's team (actual may vary): Aaron Moore (Aar), Renado Parker ('Nad), Lateef McMullen ('Teef), Dre Winston (Dre*), Michael Harthun (Hart), Marcus Hall (Marc), Michael Harvey ('Chael), Gary Winston (Wins), LaMont Prosser ('Mont), Brandon Cataldo ('Tal). The real ones need to be believable and heart-felt. This is team-building.

Are they aware of what each other can do and whom each to rely on for what when split-seconds count? Are they receiving counseling to get that winner-in-life perspective? Do they know how good they can be? They also need to be developed in terms what expressions they have on their faces and how they are coming off! They need emotional mastery here. Time for an Encounter Session or ten.

Another thing: Get rid of the throwback JG-styled B&W uniforms. No more ugly reminders of that failed athletic experiment, please. Socially, there was a payoff, though.
Hey, Broadway, nice pictures! As for the words, if you were coach you'd be throwing chairs with the best of them. Whether PSU is a gritty innner-city school or snobbish Ivy League, the fact remains 6th is a reasonable expectation, though of course all of us wish for more. Geving has chosen to try to mold a JC team into a competitor, and it ain't easy. His point about dealing with freshmen hot doggers is well taken, but JCers have their own problems. He's got a start, anyway, with Aaron Moore, Parker, Dre, and Lateef. It remains to be seen if Lateef can read the floor and get those assists. That leaves four or five to fit in. I guess we'll see.
pdxfan said:
It remains to be seen if Lateef can read the floor and get those assists.

Totally agree.

3 assists and 7 turnovers in the first two games. He was 6 and 1 in the exhibition game, but hey, that doesn't count...

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